
Spanish Greetings and Expressions of Courtesy Answer Key

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#1 How do you say hellow to someone in Spanish? hola
#2 How do you say goodbye to someone in Spanish? adios
#3 How do you say good evening to someone in Spanish? buenas noches
#4 Which symbol is over the 'i' in the word buenos dias? the accent mark
#5 How do you say 'greetings' in Spanish? saludos
Expressions of Courtesy
#1 What word means 'please' in Spanish? por favor
#2 What word means 'thank you' in Spanish? gracias
#3 Which word means 'pardon me' in Spanish? perdon
#4 If someone thanks you, you would respond with what word? de nada
#5 What is the way to apologize to someone in Spanish? lo siento
Symbols and Punctuation in Spanish
#1 Which symbol means to emphasize or stress a letter? accent mark
#2 Which symbol means to pronounce differently than a regular 'n'? tilde
#3 Which symbol is found in the word 'manana'? tilde
#4 Where are the question marks found in a written question? at the beginning and end
#5 In the Spanish word 'buenos dias,' what symbol is used accent mark
Dialogues in Spanish
#1 How do you ask someone their name? ?Como te llamas?
#2 Which words are used to tell someone your name? Me llamo . . .
#3 What is one way of asking how someone is doing? ?Como estas?
#4 How do you ask if someone speaks Spanish? ?Hablas espanol?
#5 How do you say that you don't speak Spanish? No, no hablo espanol.
True or False
#1 When you say 'Spanish people,' you refer to people from Spain. True
#2 The accent mark is used to stress or emphasize the whole word. False
#3 A cognate is a word in Spanish that is very similar to a word in English. true
#4 You can wish your classmate good luck by saying 'buenos dias.' False
#5 To say yes and no in Spanish is exactly the same in English. false
Final Question
How do you say 'greetings and expressions of courtesy' in Spanish? saludos y expresiones de cortesia