
Virginia Civil War for 4th grade Answer Key

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#1 What was the first battle of the Civil War? The Battle of Bull Run
#2 Who wins when the 2 troops meet in Fredericksburg? The Confederacy
#3 The sea battle was between which two ships? The Monitor and the Merrimack
#4 Where did Lee surrender to Grant? Appotomattox Court House
#5 Another name for the Battle of Bull Run? The Battle of Manassas
#1 Who led the Undergroud Railroad? Harriet Tubman
#2 Who led a raid on Harper's Ferry, was later caught and hanged? John Brown
#3 Who was elected President in the North in 1861? Abraham Lincoln
#4 Who was the general of the Union? Ulysses S. Grant
#5 Who was the president for the South once they seceeded from the Union? Jefferson Davis
#1 What is an abolitionist? A person who campaigned to end slavery
#2 To secede means: to break away from a group
#3 When Lincoln blockade Southern ports, he stopped them from being able to go in and out.
#4 A draw between the Monitor and Merrimack, means neither of them won.
#5 Slavery means work being done with little or no pay
#1 The economy in the south relied on agriculture
#2 The Confederacy's proper name was Confederate States of America
#3 The president in the South was Jefferson Davis
#4 The general who gained his reputation at the Battle of Manassas was 'Stonewall' Jackson
#5 The capital of the Confederacy was Richmond
United States
#1 The economy relied on cities and factories.
#2 This person was elected as their president? Abraham Lincoln
#3 The north wanted new states joining the Unites States to be free states.
#4 The capital of the North was Washington DC
#5 The general in charge of the troops was Ulysses S. Grant
Final Question
Who surrendered to who, which put an end to the Civil War? General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant