
Game Answer Key

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Earth's Rotation
#1 The amount of time it takes the Earth to complete one rotation. 24 hours
#2 This is the lighted side of the Earth. Daytime
#3 This is the dark side of the Earth. Night time
#4 This line runs around the center of the Earth. The Equator
#5 An imaginary line running through the Earth's center. Axis of rotation
#1 The motion of one object around another. Revolution
#2 These two things effect the seasons. Tilt and Orbit
#3 These are patterns of temperature changes and other weather trends over the course of a year. Seasons
#4 Sunlight shines equally on the northern and southern hemispheres during this. Equinox
#5 During this time, the area of sunlight is at a maximum in one hemisphere and a minimum in the other hemisphere. Solstice
Phases of the Moon
#1 The amount of time it takes for the Moon to complete its orbit around the Earth. About a month
#2 The phases of the moon where the amount of sunlight grows. Waxing Phases
#3 The phase of the moon where no light is showing. New Moon
#4 The phases of the moon where the amount of sunlight decreases. Waning Phases

The reason why we don't an eclipse every month.

The Moon's orbit is tilted

#1 When a shadow makes the Sun or Moon seem to grow dark. Eclipse

During a solar eclipse, this object's shadow falls onto part of the Earth

The Moon

#3 During a lunar eclipse, the Moon passes through this object's shadow. The Earth
#4 This is the darkest part of a shadow during an eclipse. The Umbra

Which type of eclipse is more common?

Lunar Eclipse

#1 The amount of tides that occur in a 24 hour period. 4
#2 When the water level of the ocean is at its highest. High Tide
#3 A tide where the highs are at their highest and lows are at their lowest. Spring Tides
#4 A tide where the highs are at their lowest and the lows are at their highest. Neap Tides
#5 Tides are caused by this object's gravity on the Earth's oceans. The Moon
Final Question
On this day, the summer solstice begins. June 21