
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Exam Review Answer Key

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#1 What colour of stars are the hottest? blue
#2 The North Star is also called this Polaris
#3 Why do positions of the constellations appear to change throughout the year? Earth revolves around the Sun
#4 Dark, Magnetic Spots on the Sun's surface are called... sun spots
#5 A star's Magnitude or brightness can be determined by these 3 things: its Size, Distance from Earth and Temperature
#1 Time it takes for the earth to rotate once around the sun 365 days
#2 Reason we have seasons Earth is tilted on its axis 23.5 degrees
#3 Why days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter Earth's Axis is tilted more toward the sun in the summer = more hours of direct sunlight.
#4 What time of day is it if you have almost no shadow? Solar Noon (high noon or 12:00pm)
#5 Order of the Planets Starting with Mercury Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Heavenly Bodies
#1 The area between the inner and outer planets that is filled with Asteroids Asteroid Belt
#2 A large ball of ice, dust, rock and gas that orbits the sun. A Comet!
#3 What occurs when the moon moves into the Earth's shadow? A Lunar Eclipse
#4 Another name for the Big Dipper is Ursa Major
#5 Biggest Meteorite Discovered on Earth Hoba
Our Solar System
#1 The name of our Galaxy The Milky Way
#2 The Largest Planet in our Solar System Jupiter
#3 Name the Inner Planets in Order from the Sun Mercury, Venus, Mars
#4 Name the 4 Gas Giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
#5 Name 3 Dwarf Planets Pluto, Makemake, Ceres, Eris, Haumea
The Moon
#1 Phase of the moon when more than half of the moon, but not all of it is illuminated Gibbous
#2 Another name for a small body orbiting a planet Satellite
#3 The time it takes for the moon to orbit Earth 27 1/3 days (or Approx. 28 days) One Lunar Cycle
#4 When the moon grows gradually more illumminated when passing from new to full moon Waxing Moon
#5 Name the 8 phases of the moon beginning with New Moon New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, Waning Crescent, New Moon
Final Question
In the Northern Hempishere, this day the sun is in its lowest point in the sky and has the least number of daylight hours. Winter Solstice or Dec. 21/22