
Unit 6 Review Answer Key

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Plate Tectonics
#1 Region where plates with different densities collide and the denser plate sinks under the less dense plate What is a Subduction Zone?
#2 Mesosaurus fossils were found in South America and _________ Africa
#3 The driving force behind plate movements What are Convection Currents?
#4 Magnetic field _________ are found on each side of mid-ocean ridges reversals
#5 Earth's crust and part of the upper mantle are broken into sections what are plates?
#1 The San Andreas Fault in California is this type of plate boundary What is a transform boundary?
#2 At what location does the first motion of an earthquake occur the focus
#3 A foreshock is a small earthquake
#4 wave that can only travel through solids Secondary Wave (S Wave)
#5 The sudden return of elastically deformed rock to its undeformed shape Elastic Rebound
Earthquake II
#1 an instrument that records ground vibrations Seismograph
#2 A magnitude scale that measures ground motion Richter Scale
#3 The point on Earth's surface directly above the earthquakes focus Epicenter
#4 An area where no direct seismic waves from a particular earthquake can be detected shadow zone
#5 The composition of Earth's Interior affects waves how? The speed and direction of seismic waves
#1 any activity that includes the movement of magma toward or onto Earth's surface Volcanism
#2 fragments of rock that form during a volcanic eruption Pyroclastic Material
#3 Volcanic Eruptions may be signaled by A change in earthquake activity
#4 portion of earth's surface that is far from plate boundaries and experiences volcanism due to a rising mantle plume Hot Spot
#5 Name four classifications of pyroclastic material volcanic dust, volcanic ash, volcanic bombs, volcanic blocks, lapilli
Volcano II
#1 Viscosity resistance to flow
#2 Which of the following is NOT a tectonic setting where volcanoes form? A) boundaries of tectonic plates B) glacier-formed crater lakes C) mid-ocean ridges D) subduction zones glacier-formed crater lakes
#3 A large depression formed by the collapse of a volcanic cone Caldera
#4 Pillow lava forms where on a mid-ocean ridge
#5 quiet eruptions have what type of magma mafic magma
Final Question
What island is cut by a fissure breaking it into two parts Iceland