
Figures of Speech Answer Key

Play This Game

#1 Let the cat out of the bag ruin a surprise/ share a secret
#2 Take a rain check put something off but will do it later/ another time
#3 skating on thin ice in trouble/ had warnings/ last chance
#4 Under the weather Not feeling well/ sick
#5 in the doghouse in troubleAt the drop of a hat
#1 Bells and whistles Having lots of extras that make it more appealing
#2 and#8232;Axe to grind being mad and wanting revenge
#3 Burn the midnight oil stay up all night
#4 Out on a limb take a chance
#5 True colors what someone is really like
#1 Spill the beans share/divulge a secret/ surprise
#2 Chew the fat chat/ talk
#3 In a nutshell summary
#4 In a pickle in trouble
#5 Full of beans lying/ not telling the truth
Body Parts
#1 Give my right arm want something badly
#2 Cold feet nervous or scared to do something
#3 Pay through the nose pay more than you should have/ a lot
#4 Read between the lines Figure out what is really being said/ understand
#5 Ears are burning someone is gossiping about you
#1 Down in the dumps Feeling sad
#2 It's greek to me can't understand it
#3 Walking on eggshells being very careful/ try not to upset someone
#4 On the ball focused/ aware
#5 At the drop of a hat always available/ readily available
Final Question
Upset the apple cart upset people by disagreeing with the majority or changing routines