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Trench Warfare

This is how deep front line trenches were.

What is 4 feet.


An underground shelter, often used for food storage.

What is a bunker.


Many soldiers suffered this injury.

What is trench foot.


The channel at the bottom of a trench to allow ater to drain away.

What is a sump.


This front had the most trench warfare.

What is the western front.

US In War

They thought the US should stay out of European affairs.

What is US citizens.


This country left the war near when the US joined the war.

What is Russia.


The ship Germany sank with US citizens on board.

What is th Lusitania.


The telegram Britain intercepted from Germany about Mexico decaring war on the United States.

What is the Zimmerman telegram.


The form of warfare that caused the US to enter the war.

What is unrestricted submarine warfare.


He wanted a treaty with fourteen points.

What is Woodrow Wilson.


The treaty that ended the war was signed here.

What is Paris.


They were not industrialized, so left the war early.

What is Russia.


An organization designed to keep peace.

What is the League of Nations.


These countries were purposely not included in peace talks.

What is Germany and Russia.

Post War

This clause caused bitterness and hatred amoung the German people.

What is the war-guilt clause.


These two allied nations were unhappy with the outcome of the treaty due to not gaining enough land.

What is Japan and Italy.


This countries citizens were not happy about the peace deal.

What is Germany.


This empire was completely wiped out.

What is Austria-Hungary.


The allied power that rejected the Treaty of Versailles.

What is the United States.


The battle that halted the German advance on Paris.

What is the battle of Marne.


The front between Italy and Austria-Hungary.

What is the Italian front.


A treaty to stop fighting.

What is an armistice.


When people could only buy small amounts of goods needed for the war.

What is rationing.


Austria-Hungary annexed this nation, sparking up the terrorist group who killed the Archduke and started WWI.

What is Bosnia.

Final Question

The type of oil that could be used to cure trench foot.

What is whale oil.