
Urban, Suburban, or Rural Answer Key

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Which community is it?
#1 This type of community has farms, ranchs and large animals. Rural
#2 This type of community is located just outside of the city. Suburban
#3 This type of community usually has movie theaters, restaurants, and subways.You can also find libraries, museums, sports arenas, zoos, and parks. Urban
#1 This type of community often has houses close together and apartments. Urban
#2 This type of community usually has houses in neighbor hoods that have yards. Suburban
#3 This type of community has houses spaced far apart. Rural
#1 This type of community has more traffic than the city but less traffic than the country. Suburban
#2 This type of community has little traffic. Rural
#3 This type of community has lots of traffic. Urban
What else is this community called?
#1 This type of community is sometimes called the country. Rural
#2 This type of community is also called the city. Urban
#3 This type of community is sometimes called a small town area. Suburban
How many people live here?
#1 This type of community has lots of people. Urban
#2 This type of community has the fewest people. Rural
#3 This type of community has more people than the country but less people than the city. Suburban
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