
Elements and Atoms Answer Key

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#1 Matter is everything in the universe that takes up __________ and has _________ space, weight
#2 What is the symbol for the element Iron? It is FE, which is short for the word ferrum, the Latin word for Iron. Brooke Crawford, Tony Sparks, Hannah Getter, MacKenzie Hazleton
#3 What orbits the nucleus of an atom? In an atom, tiny particles called ELECTRONS orbit the nucleus, or center, of an atom.
#4 How is the mass decided? The more PROTONS and NEUTRONS an atom has, the more mass it has.
#5 How many gold atoms are in a gold coin? Millions. Tasia Washburn, Julie Hartline, Jonah Emery, Baylee Malone
#1 What is all matter made of? All matter is made of a simple substance called ELEMENTS.
#2 What are most substances we know made of? Most substances are made of a COMBINATION of TWO or MORE elements
#3 What is the nucleus made of? The nucleus is made of TWO kinds of particles - PROTONS and NEUTRONS.
#4 What happens if there are more atoms in a sample? The more atoms you have in a sample, the MORE it will WEIGH.
#1 Can an element be broken down into a simpler substance? An element is a substance that CANNOT be broken down into a simpler substance
#2 What is used to identify each element? Each element can be identified using a SYMBOL.
#3 What do all atoms of the same element have? All atoms of the same element have the SAME NUMBER OF PROTONS AND ELECTRONS.
#4 What were the elements that the ancient Greeks once thought existed? They thought matter was made of just EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER
#1 How many known elements are there on Earth There are about 120 known elements on Earth
#2 Where do some symbols for elements come from? Some symbols for elements come from LATIN.
#3 What do all atoms have? As tiny as atoms are, they have MASS.
#4 In what year range did people begin to know there were more elements? 1600's
#1 Name one example of a substance made of a single element Iron or gold or silver
#2 What is the structure an atom is like? The structure of an atom is, in some ways, like the structure of the SOLAR SYSTEM.
#3 Where is most of the mass of an atom? Most of the mass of an atom is in the NUCLEUS.
#4 Does Helium or Lead have more mass, and why? Lead has more because Helium has 2 protons and 2 neutrons and Lead has 82 protons and 125 neutrons. Eric Bober, Matt Bolen, Keirra Waters, Corrine Deeter
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