
Basic Music Theory Answer Key

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#1 How many lines are on a single staff? There are 5 lines.
#2 A Staff is numbered from? Bottom to Top
#3 How many letters of the alphabet can be used on a staff? 7
#4 How many spaces are in a single staff? There are 4 spaces
#5 What letters are used to write music on a staff? A-G: A,B,C,D,E,F,G
#1 What two clefs are mainly used in music? Treble Clef and Bass Clef?
#2 How many beats are in each measure if the time signature contains a 4 as the top number? It gets 4 beats.
#3 The flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, and french horn uses this clef to identify its notes The Treble Clef
#4 When notes are written on or above the 3rd line of the staff, stems extend upward or downward on the left side of the note head? They extend downward. and to the left
#5 The trombone, baritone, tuba and lower half of the piano uses this clef to identify its notes The Bass Clef
#1 In 4/4 time, a half note receives how many beats? 2 Beats
#2 In 4/4 time, a whole note receives how many beats? 4 Beats
#3 In 4/4 time signature how many beats in the measure? 4 Beats
#4 In 4/4 time, how many beats does a quater note receive? 1 Beat
#5 The top number in a time signature tells you what? The total number of beats in each measure
Identify the following notes Part 1
#1 The notes in this clef make up the phrase ' All Cows Eat Grass' What is the Bass Clef. spaces
#2 Name the notes for the lines in the Treble Clef from bottom to top E, G, B, D, F
#3 The notes in this clef makes up the phrase ' Good Boy Do Fine Always' The Bass Clef Lines
#4 Name the notes for the spaces in the Treble Clef from bottom to top F, A, C, E
#5 When Notes are written below the 3rd line of the staff the stem should go Up and to the right
Note Values
#1 In 4/4 time signature: a whole note plus a half note plus a quarter note equals how many beats 7 beats
#2 In 4/ 4 time signature a half note minus a whole note minus a quarter note plus a whole equals? 5 beats
#3 In 3/4 time signature a whole note plus a whole note plus a quarter note minus two half notes equals? 5 beats
#4 Can a whole note be used in 3 / 4 time signature and why? No. A whole note equals four counts but there are only three beats in each measure of 3 / 4 time signature
#5 In 2/ 4 time signature a half note plus a half note plus a whole note minus a quarter note plus a quarter note equal? 8 beats
Final Question
What does Tenuto mean? Means to hold the note for its full value.