
Game Answer Key

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Powerpoint Notes
#1 The name given to the school of thought that values feeling and intuition over reason is: Romanticism

The years of American Romanticism are:


#3 All of the following are characteristics of the time period cities continued to grow, new factories built, improvements in transportation
#4 The change in thinking that came with the new literary era had an effect cuture, science, arts
#5 6. This person represented the new kind of American hero that represented the natural view of life that was both simple and profound Natty Bumpo
True or False
#1 Romanticism places the emphasis on human potential and the power of the individual True
#2 Romanticism values reason over imagination False
#3 Romanticism values personal over social True
#4 Romanticism values common over individual False
#5 Classicism resisted change and relied on tradition True
Who Wrote it
#1 The Minister's Black Veil Hawthorne
#2 Annabel Lee Poe
#3 Walden Thoreau
#4 Self-Reliance Emerson
#5 Nature Emerson
Literature Terms
#1 The feeling created by the writer of a literary work Mood
#2 A lesson about human nature that a story teaches Moral
#3 Details that appeal to a reader’s 5 senses Imagery
#4 The central message of a piece of writing Main Idea
#5 the contrast between what is expected and what actually exists or happens Irony
Thoreau and Emerson
#1 When did the author begin to live the house at Walden Pond Independence Day July 4th
#2 Complete the quote from the sentence. “If the _______________ should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore…” stars
#3 What is the opposite of “self-reliance”? conformity
#4 The author tells us that we could do without this Post Office
#5 The author tells us that people tend to fall into habitual activities, and by doing “this,” they stop thinking for themselves. The author called these ruts
Final Question
What does the author mean when he says that he, “wanted to live deep and suck out all of the marrow of life.” carpe diem...seize the day...make the most of life