
Slope and Y-Intercept Answer Key

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#1 How do we graph slope? rise/run
#2 Find the slope of a line with points (3,3) and (2,1) 2/1
#3 Name the slope in the following word problem: Ms. Ross has to rent a car. She is charged $50 then $.40 per mile traveled. 0.40
#4 Name the slope in the following word problem: Malik is saving to buy a car. He has $2,600 from working over the summer and he makes $95 a day at his current job. $95
#5 Find the slope of a line with points (-2,3) and (10,-1) 12/-4 or -12/4 or -3
#1 What is the y-intercept? Where the line crosses (or intersects with) the y-axis.
#2 What is the value of the x coordinate at the y-intercept? x = 0
#3 What are the coordinates of the y-intercept in the following line? 8y= 16x - 32 (0, 4)
#4 What are the coordiantes of the y-intercept in the following line: y = 3x - 5 (0,-5)
#5 What are the coordiantes of the y-intercept in the following line: y = 3/4x (0,0)
Y = MX + B form
#1 What does m stand for in the formula? Slope
#2 What does b stand for in the formula? Y-Intercept
#3 Write the formula for a line with a slope of -3/4 and a y-intercept of 6. y = -3/4x + 6
#4 Find the value of y for the line y = 3x + 5 when x = 4 17
#5 Find the value of y for the line y = 1/2x - 2 when x = 6 1
Balancing Equations
#1 Solve for y: 2y = 8x + 4 y = 4x + 2
#2 Solve for y: y + 3x = 10x + 5 y = 7x + 5
#3 Solve for y: 3y + 4x = 7x + 9 y = 1x + 3
#4 Solve for y: 5y + 15 = 20x + 25 y = 4x + 2
#5 Solve for y: 3y - 6 = 6x - 18 y = 2x - 4
Drawing Linear Equations
#1 Draw the line y = 3x + 2
#2 Draw the line y = -4/3 x + 5
#3 Draw the line y = 1/5 x - 4
#4 Draw the line y = 8
#5 Draw the line y = -3/5x
Final Question
What is the formula for finding the slope between two points? Y2-Y1 / X2-Y1