
Game Answer Key

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Place Value

Determine the place value of the digit 3 in the whole number.




Determine the place value of the digit 3 in the whole number




A) one hundred thirty-five thousand, sixty

B) thirteen thousand, five hundred six

C) one million, thirty-five thousand, sixty



8412 to the nearest hundred 




 A) 30,000 + 4000 + 800 + 50 + 2

B) 25,843

C) 20,000 + 5000 + 800 + 40 + 3

D) 2000 + 500 + 80 + 43


Addition Subtraction Word problems

179 birds were sitting in a tree. 38 more birds flew up to the tree. How many birds were there altogether in the tree?



231 birds were sitting in a tree. Some more birds fly up to the tree. Then there were 312 birds in the tree. How many more flew up to the tree?



Michael is preparing for a violin performance this weekend. He practiced for forty-three minutes on Monday and twelve minutes on Tuesday. How many more minutes did Michael practice on Monday than Tuesday?



The computer help desk took six hundred twenty calls in the month of April. Two hundred ninety-three of the calls were wrong numbers. How many calls were not wrong numbers?




) Travis's farm grew six hundred pumpkins last year. His farm grew three hundred thirty-four this year. How many pumpkins did he grow in both years?



Multiplication division word problems

There are 20 students in the class and 1880 cards. If the cards are divided equally among the students, how many does each student get?


94 card each


Keith has 3861 pencils. If he shares them among 99 friends, how many pencils does each friend get?




The volume of an aquarium that is shaped like a perfect cube is 93 inches.  How many cubic inches of water will the aquarium hold?




NATURE Suppose a certain forest fire doubles in size every 12 hours. If the initial size of the fire was 1 acre, how many acres will the fire cover in 2 days?




16 acres


. EXERCISE Jasmine jogs 3 miles each day. Write and solve a multiplication equation to find how many days it will take her to jog 57 miles.


19 days

Plain division

811 divided by 4

202 r.3


702 divided by 5

140 R. 2


28 divided by 3

9 r. 1


48,000 divided by 6,000



What is the best estimate of the answer?


361 ÷ 43 =

A. 4

B. 6

C. 7

D. 9


Function Boxes

On Monday’s at Larry’s Lemonade Stand, 1 cup of lemonade costs 5¢. Complete the function table to show how many cups was bought for the given cost.


Input     Output
1 5 cents
  50 cents
  35 cents
  20 cents

50 cents- 10 cups

35 cents- 7 cups

20 cents- 4 cups


The function table below shows the cost of tickets at the Fun Rides Amusement Park. One ticket costs $17.


Number of Family Members Total Cost for Tickets 1 $17 2 $34 5 $85 9






   1     2        5        9      

Total Cost of


$17 $34 $85  



The function table below shows the cost of video games at Electronic City. The input shows the number of video games and the output shows the cost for the video games.





In  out
6 $42
8 $56
11 $77
13 $91


How much do video games cost at Electronic City?

7 dollars

Input Output
0 0
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15
6 18
7 21
8 24


What is the rule?

input times 3

Input  Output
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
6 36
7 49
8 64
9 81


What is the rule?

Square the input

Final Question

What is  the rule for the input box?


Input Output
1 5
2 7
3 9
4 11
5 13
6 15
7 17
8 18

Multiple by 2 and add 2