
Progressivism, Imperialism, and WWI test review Answer Key

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Important People
#1 Suffragist who founded the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Susan B. Anthony
#2 African American reformer who believed African Americans can improve their lives through education and economic independence Booker T. Washington
#3 African American reformer who demanded immediate social and economic equality for African Americans W.E.B. Du Bois
#4 Encouraged the US government to build up the US navy during the age of imperialism Alfred T. Mahan
#5 The Mexican revolutionary who retaliated against the American government by killing Americans Pancho Villa
Progressive Reforms
#1 The Progressives believed that the government should serve the interest of whom? The People
#2 What roles did women have during the Progressive Era? They were leaders and activists for reforms
#3 The group who benefited the MOST from reform legislation in the Progressive Era factory workers, women
#4 Name for journalists and photographers who exposed the corruption of business and government Muckrakers
#5 Three goals of the Progressives Prohibition, women's suffrage, workplace safety, government reform, conservation
Causes of World War I
#1 What was the 'spark' the lit the 'powder keg' of Europe to start WWI Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
#2 Two causes of US entry into WWI Zimmerman Telegram, sinking of the Lusitania/unrestricted submarine warfare
#3 Members of the Central Powers (associated with the Triple Alliance) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
#4 Members of the Allied Powers (associated with the Triple Entente) France, United States, England, Italy
#5 The MAIN causes of WWI militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
US influence overseas
#1 Letters that asked other imperialist nations to not interfere with U.S. trading rights in China Open Door Notes
#2 Extension of the Monroe Doctrine that gave the US the right to protect its economic interests in the Western hemisphere by using military intervention Roosevelt Corrollary
#3 Why did the US act as an imperial power during the late 1800s? Obtain new markets for manufactured goods
#4 The event that caused the outbreak of the Spanish-American war in 1898 The sinking of the USS Maine
#5 Idea that free market competition would lead to a survival of the fittest and allow strong nations to take over weaker ones Social darwinism
Misc. WWI
#1 Some differences between WWI and previous wars trench warfare, new technology (planes, poison gas, machine guns, tanks), stalemate
#2 Illnesses in the war Flu, trench foot, Shell Shock
#3 The Treaty that ended WWI- was not ratified by the US Treaty of Versailles
#4 Wilson's plan for peace 14 Points
#5 Great Migration large scale movement of African Americans from the South to the North
Final Question
How did the US restrict civil liberties during WWI? restricted freedom of speech, Alien and Sedition Acts