
Living in a Global World - Geography in the 21st Century Answer Key

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All About Maps
#1 What is a map projection? A map projection is a way to show a drawing of the earth on a flat surface.
#2 _______________ is the misrepresentation of shape, area, distance, or direction of or between geographic features when compared to their true measurements on the curved surface of the earth. Distortion
#3 In what situation might a Mercator Projection be particularly useful? See Map Projection handout.
#4 How did the balloon project demonstrate the concept of distortion on map projections? Use evidence from your balloon project conclusion to support your answer. See conclusion project on GoogleDocs.
#5 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of an Equal Area map. How is an Equal Area map different than a Mercator Projection? See Map Projection handout.
#1 The ________________________ is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Equator
#2 A ____________ shows political features, such as national or state boundaries, capital cities, and other major cities. Political Map
#3 ___________________ is the way people, ideas, and goods travel from place to place. Movement
#4 The ____________ is located at zero degrees longitude. Prime Meridian
#5 Lines of _____________ run from north to south and measure the distance east or west of the prime meridian. Longitude
#1 Identify a current event that is an example of humans interacting with the environment. Explain whether the current event represents an example of people adapting to, modifying or depending on the environment. Various
#2 Use a map to locate the approximate longitude and latitude of Cape Town, South Africa. 33° S, 18° E
#3 What is a 'nut graph'? A 'nut graph' is the paragraph that sums up what a news story is about. It usually follows the lead.
#4 According to the diagram we viewed, how have the world's carbon emissions changed since 1960? The United States's carbon emissions have increased from 32,453 million metric tons to 96,955 million metric tons, but, while we produced 39% of the world's carbon in 1960, our country now produces only 27% of the world's carbon. What happened? Explain with evidence. See 'Cumulative Carbon Emissions' diagram
#5 According to the New York Times article 'Is GPS All In Our Heads?', what are some advantages of using GPS technology? What are some disadvantages of using this navigation technology? See NY Times article ('Is GPS All In Our Heads?')
Location & Place
#1 Describe the relative location of Portland Middle School. Various answers
#2 What is the difference between LOCATION and PLACE? Explain the difference using Florida as an example. LOCATION is a place's position on Earth, whereas PLACE is the physical and human features of a location. Florida is located on the southeastern tip of the United States and borders the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico (LOCATION - Where is it?) Florida is warm and sunny and has a tropical climate. The Florida coasts are covered in beaches. (PLACE - What is it like?)
#3 What is the difference between ABSOLUTE LOCATION and RELATIVE LOCATION? ABSOLUTE LOCATION is a place's exact location on earth, while RELATIVE LOCATION is a place's position when compared to the locations of other places.
#4 Use a world map to locate the approximate longitude and latitude of Sydney, Australia. 33° S, 151° E
#5 Oregon is located in the ______________________ region of the United States. It is located to the _____________________ (N / S / E / W) of Wyoming and to the ______________________ (N / S / E / W) of California. Northwest; West; North
Human-Environment Interaction & Movement
#1 In 2015, southern California has been plagued by wildfires that have destroyed homes and land. Many people have been forced to flee homes that were in the path of the destruction. Are the humans adapting to, modifying or depending on the environment? Provide evidence to support your answer. Adapting - Humans are changing their behavior to survive in the environment.
#2 a) What is the difference between adaptation and modification? b) Give an example of how you adapt to your environment and how you modify your environment. Adapt - Humans change THEIR BEHAVIOR. Modify - Humans change THE ENVIRONMENT.
#3 Describe the challenges facing migrants traveling from the Middle East to Europe. What makes their journey so dangerous? Why are the migrants still willing to make the journey despite the dangers? See Junior Scholastic article ('Desperation At Sea').
#4 According to the New York Times article 'New to Being Dry, the South Struggles to Adapt', what solutions were proposed to lessen the effects of the drought and/or prevent future drought-related emergencies? How would YOU address the issue by adapting to and/or modifying the environment? See NY Times article ('New to Being Dry, the South Struggles to Adapt')
#5 For decades, people around the world have drilled for oil as a source of energy. Discuss how this is an example of human-environment interaction. Dependence, modification and adaptation. Be able to explain each and provide examples.
Final Question