
Order of Operations, Exponents, Powers of Ten Answer Key

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What comes first?
#1 What operation comes first in: 8x2÷2+1 Multiplication
#2 What operation comes first in: 10-1²+3x4 Exponents
#3 What operation comes first in: 7x(3+4)²+3÷3 +, because it is inside the parenthesis
#4 What operation comes first in: 5²-5 Exponents
#5 What operation comes first in: 9+3+4-2÷2 ÷
Solve using Order of Operations
#1 Solve: 15-3x3 6
#2 Solve: 4+(12-8)x6 28
#3 Solve: 6-2²+4 6
#4 Solve: (2³+2)x10 100
#5 Solve: (1+4)²+1 26
#1 Simplify: 5² 25
#2 Simplify: 9³ 729
#3 Write in exponential form: 36
#4 Write in exponential form: 16 4² or 2^4
#5 Write in exponential form: 100 10²
Powers of Ten
#1 Multiply 47 x 3 141
#2 Add 89 + 58 147
#3 Subtract 430 - 96 334
#4 Multiply 242 x 4 968
#5 Add 320 + 230 550
Order of Operations
#1 Do you add or subtract first in the order of operations? Depends on which comes from left-to-right
#2 Add parenthesis to make this true: 7-2x2=10 (7-2)x2=10
#3 What would you do last in this problem: 10-6x9÷3 Subtraction
#4 What would you do last in this problem:10x1÷5x9 Multiplication
#5 What would you do last in 8x2+2²
Final Question
What is the correct order of operations? Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left-to-right, Addition and Subtraction from left-to-right