
compound words Answer Key

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#1 your mom or dad's father grandfather
#2 someone who lived after the dinosaurs caveman
#3 a person who delivers the mail mailman
#4 someone who lead the cheers at a game cheerleader
#5 someone who uses a parachute skydiver
#1 the place where airplanes land and take off airport
#2 another word for cemetary graveyard
#3 a synonym for the word beach seashore
#4 a giant grocery store supermarket
#5 a tall tower with light for ships lighthouse
#1 a home for a dog doghouse
#2 a metal container for carrying your lunch lunchbox
#3 a person may use this when they can't walk wheelchair
#4 a crab may live in one seashell
#5 a fastner to hold our keys keychain
#1 a sandwich with a bun, meat, lettuce and tomato hamburger
#2 the lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken drumstick
#3 a snack that comes with butter and salt popcorn
#4 a salty, roasted snack in a shell peanut
#5 a hot breakfast cereal oatmeal
Final Question
gardners use this to move dirt wheelbarrow