
Rikki-tikki-tavi Jeopardy Answer Key

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Name that Character
#1 Who is known as the big man? Teddy's father
#2 Who is a male tailorbird? Darzee
#3 Who is often described as bottlebrushy? Rikki-tikki-tavi
#4 Who helped Rikki during his main fight with Nagaina? Darzee's Wife
#5 What is the name of Chucundra's cousin? Chua
#1 “and in the dark he ran up against Chuchundra the muskrat, creeping round by the wall.” Rising Action
#2 “This is the story of the great war that Rikki-tikki-tavi fought, single-handed, through the bathrooms of the big bungalow in Segowlee cantonment.” Exposition
#3 “Rikki-tikki had a right to be proud of himself; but he did not grow too proud, and he kept that garden as a mongoose should keep it.” Resolution
#4 “Tell the Coppersmith, Darzee, and he will tell the garden that Nagaina is dead.” Falling Action
#5 “and just as he got to the most touching part the grass quivered again, and Rikki-tikki, covered with dirt, dragged himself out of the hole leg by leg, licking his whiskers” Climax
Character Traits
#1 curious Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
#2 overly protective and worries a lot Teddy's mother
#3 wicked and vengeful Nagaina
#4 foolish and not helpful Darzee
#5 suprisingly more deadly and dangerous than a cobra Karait
What's my motive?
#1 Why doesn't Teddy's mother want Rikki to sleep in bed with Teddy? Rikki may bite him
#2 Why do the frogs and birds celebrate? Nag and Nagaina are dead and they used to eat the frogs and birds
#3 Why do Nag and Nagaina want to kill the English family? so Rikki will leave
#4 Why Darzee doesn' want Rikki to crush Nagaina's eggs? his own children are born from similar eggs
#5 Why does Rikki kill the snakes? a mongoose is born to kill snakes and he wants to protect his family
Mystery Category
#1 What assets or skills help a mongoose defeat a snake? speed, agility, and sharp teeth
#2 Who is the main conflict between in the story? Rikki and the cobras
#3 Why won't Rikki eat all of Karait after he kills him? he doesn't want to get fat or be too full because he still has to deal with Nag and Nagaina
#4 What is the job of the Coppersmith? the town crier, announce news
#5 Who warns Rikki when Nagaina tries to sneak up on him? Darzee
Final Question
Who is Alice? Teddy's mother