
Second Grade Math Jeopardy Answer Key

Play This Game

#1 What is the value of a dime? 10 cents
#2 How much is 3 dimes, 1 nickel and 2 pennies? 37 cents
#3 How many quarters do I need to make one dollar? 4
#4 A pencil costs 20 cents. I have 3 nickels and 2 pennies. Do I have enough money to buy the pencil? no
#5 I have 75 cents. I bought and ice cream cone for 30 cents. How much money do I have left? 45 cents
#1 What is 6 + 3? 9
#2 What is 12 + 5? 17
#3 What is 20 + 20? 40
#4 I had 15 stuffed animals. I got 6 more for my birthday. How many do I have altogether? 21
#5 What is 37 + 18? 55
#1 What is 8 - 2? 6
#2 What is 13 - 3? 10
#3 There are 54 seats on the bus. 32 students get on the bus. How many seats are left? 22
#4 I have 30 stickers. I give 7 stickers to my friend. How many do I have left? 23
#5 What is 47 - 19? 28
#1 What is the large hand called on a clock? Minute hand
#2 What is the small hand called on a clock? Hour hand
#3 What time is it when the small hand is on the two and the minute hand is on the 12? 2 O'clock
#4 Where is the minute hand at 12:30? On the 6
#5 Johnny woke up at 7:00. School starts at 9:00? How many hours does he have until he goes to school ? 2
Shapes and Patterns
#1 What is the name of this shape? square
#2 What shape comes next in this pattern? square, circle, triangle, square... circle
#3 What shape has no corners or sides? sphere
#4 What shape is a stop sign? Octagon
#5 What number comes next in this growing pattern? 10, 21, 32, 43 54
Final Question