
Spelling Rules Answer Key

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Spelling words
#1 Spelling word #1 chief
#2 Spelling word #2 desirable
#3 Spelling word #3 noticeable
#4 Spelling word #4 sincerely
#5 Spelling word #5 truly
Spelling Rules - Suffixes
#1 In a single syllable word with a short vowel before the last letter ______________ the last letter before adding ed, er, est, ing. double -- as in tapping
#2 When 'y' follows a consonant, ___________ the _____ to ______ and add es, er, est. change, y, i --- as in drier
#3 To make ___________ of words with these endings - ss, ch, sh, x and zz - add es. plurals -- as in classes
#4 When a word ends in a silent _____, drop it before adding the suffixes able or ous. e -- as in desirable or desirous
#5 The silent letter _____ is ________ __________ when adding ly or ment. e, not dropped -- as in sincerely and amazement
Tricky vowels
#1 ow and _______ make the same sound, but ______ hardly ever comes at the end of a word. ou -- as in about
#2 When ______ ___________ go walking, the _______ one does the talking. two vowels, first -- as in rain
#3 igh makes the long ______ sound, the _______ is silent. i, gh -- as in light
#4 dge and tch may only be used after a __________ ___________. short vowel -- as in batch and bridge
#5 To make the plurals of words that end in o, add _______. es -- as in potatoes and tomatoes
Random spelling rules
#1 ____ never stands alone. It is always followed by u. q -- as in queen
#2 Spelling ________________. all right
#3 Name an exception to the rule that a word ending in 'o' should end in es to make it plural. pianos, cellos
#4 When g is followed by an ____ or an ____, the g says j. i or e -- as in giraffe and gentle
#5 When ei sounds like _______, the e comes first. ay -- as in neighbor.
Irregular nouns -- Spell the plural of each
#1 foot feet
#2 goose geese
#3 series series
#4 ox oxen
#5 salmon salmon
Final Question
Spell the plural of roof. roofs