
Scientific Notation Review Answer Key

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Standard Form to Scientific Notation
#1 75,000 7,5 x 10^4
#2 93,000,000 9.3 x 10^7
#3 8,012,000 8.012 x 10^6
#4 0.0000056 5.6 x 10^-6
#5 0.000000000907 9.07 x 10^-10
Scientific Notation to Standard Form
#1 1.32 x 10^8 132,000,000
#2 7.6 x 10^3 7,600
#3 9.136 x 10^7 91,360,000
#4 7.7 x 10^-4 0.00077
#5 6.409 x 10^-8 0.00000006409
Multiply Scientific Notation
#1 (2.3 x 10^3) * (1.4 x 10^-2) 3.22 x 10^1
#2 (5.4 x 10^-9) * (1.702 x 10^4) 9.1908 x 10^-5
#3 (3.8 x 10^-7) * (7 x 10^-2) 2.66 x 10^-8
#4 (8.2 x 10^2) * (6.5 x 10^5) 5.33 x 10^8
#5 (9.9 x 10^-9) * (9.9 x 10^9) 9.801 x 10^1
Dividing Scientific Notation
#1 (1.4 x 10^3) / (1.4 x 10^5) 1 x 10 ^-2
#2 (4.5 x 10^7) / (9 x 10^1) 5 x 10^5
#3 (3.2 x 10^-7) / (6.4 x 10^-5) 5 x 10^-3
#4 (8.7 x 10^0) / (2.61 x 10^4) 3.33 x 10^-4)
#5 (6.73 x 10^-3) / (2.9 x 10^8) 2.32 x 10^-11
#1 When you adjust in multiplying, what happens to the exponent? add 1
#2 When you adjust in dividing, what happens to the exponent? subtract 1
#3 What is acceptable to be in front of the decimal in scientific notation? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
#4 How do you multiply scientific notation? multiply decimals, then add exponents
#5 How do you divide scientific notation? divide decimals, then subtract exponents
Final Question