
RCT Science Review Answer Key

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#1 What is an environmental change that causes an organism to respond? Stimulus
#2 What is formed when decayed plant material mixes with weathered rock particles? Soil
#3 The average temperature, average amount of rainfall or snowfall, and average amount of sunlight for many years would determine an area's Climate
#4 The activity that allowssome organisms to avoid harsh environmental conditions is Hibernation
#5 When two objects are rubbed together, mechanical energy is transformed to heat energy as a result of Friction
Life Science
#1 What human structure is moved by involuntary muscles? The Heart
#2 A dominant gene always shows itself over a Recessive gene
#3 Viruses can only reproduce Inside a living cell
#4 Animals that live part of their life in water, and part of life on land are Amphibians
#5 Insulin is the hormone that controls Sugar in the blood
Earth Science
#1 The closest planet to the sun is Mercury
#2 Nitrogen and Oxygen are the main gases in the Earth's Atmosphere
#3 The process that forms clouds is Condensation
#4 The first human made satelite that was launched into space was Sputnik
#5 Rocks that are formed from lava are Igneous
Physical Science
#1 The smallest part of an element that can be identified is An atom
#2 Organic compounds always contain the element Carbon
#3 A certain mineral reacts with acid to form bubbles. This reaction indicates something about the mineral's Chemical Properties
#4 In which state of matter will molecules move most freely? Gas
#5 A newton is a unit of Force
#1 The main goal of Science is to Understand the natural world
#2 The part of the human eye in which the image is formed is The Retina
#3 Organisms no longer living are considered to be Extinct
#4 Everything that surrounds a living thing makes up its Environment
#5 Waves produced by an earthquake are called? Seismic Waves
Final Question
When a river is cut off from its meandor, what forms? An Oxbow Lake