
Review Game Answer Key

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Place Value
#1 What place is the 2 in 3,243.4? Hundred
#2 What place is the seven in 4,56.72? Tenths
#3 Write 5.623 in written form. Five and six hundred twenty-three thousandths
#4 Write 14.56 in expanded form. 10 + 4 + .5 + .06
Adding and Subtracting
#1 4,567 -2,485 2,082
#2 Round 3.45 to the tenths spot 3.5
#3 5.67 + 2.8 8.47
#4 13.45 - .6 12.85
Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers
#1 40 X 60 2,400
#2 2400 divided by 80 30
#3 45 X 78 3,510
#4 4592 divided by 28 164
Multiplying Decimals
#1 3.4 X 10 34
#2 6.7 X 100 670
#3 3.2 X 4.5 14.4
#4 6.78 X 4.5 30.51
Dividing Decimals
#1 14.2 divided by100 .142
#2 3.4 divided by 100 .034
#3 67.31 divided by 22 3.0595
#4 9.362 divided by 7.1 1.3185
Final Question
What are the Order of Operations? PEMDAS