
Study Skills Answer Key

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Study Skills
#1 What is a bad study habit the night before a test What is cramming
#2 You should always try to study in a _______ location What is quiet
#3 You should manage this effectively What is time
#4 You should do this every 30 minutes or so What is take a break
#5 This is the best material to use in order to study for your test What is notes/textbook
Note Taking
#1 To take good notes, you need to actively What is listen well
#2 In order to take effective notes, you need to What is go to class
#3 When taking notes, you should only write down ________ What is key points/main topics
#4 You should try to use ________ when taking notes What is abbreviations/short hand
#5 This is a common note taking method What is cornell/mind mapping/outlining
Test taking strategies
#1 You should always arrive to class ______ on the day of the test What is early
#2 You should always try to get this the night before a test What is a good night's sleep
#3 You should review these once a night until the test What is notes
#4 On the test, you should always read these carefully What is directions
#5 Always make sure to be conscience of this while taking your test What is time
#1 Using SQ4R will improve your _______ What is your grades
#2 SQ4R is a method to effectively What is read a textbook
#3 S stands for What is survey
#4 Q stands for What is question
#5 The 4 R's stand for What is read, recite, relate, review
#1 There are three different types of learning styles. They are... What is Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic
#2 If you dont like a professor, you should What is SUCK IT UP!!!
#3 You should get one of these if you need help in your class What is a tutor
#4 Creating these is statistically proven to improve grades What is study groups
#5 Name three resources on campus if you need help GTLC, SSS, CCC, Library, Advisor, RA's, One stop
Final Question
The number one rule in college is What is GO TO CLASS