
The Declaration of Independence Answer Key

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True or False
#1 Thomas Paine was the author of the informational booklet Common Sense. What is true.
#2 Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence. What is true.
#3 The second Continental Congress approved and signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. What is true.
#4 The #1 section to the Declaration of Independence which explains why the Declaration is being written is called the Premble True
#5 Common Sense convinced many colonistst that they should remain loyal to Britain. What is false.
The Declaration of Independence
#1 When was the Declaration of Independence approved and signed? What is July 4, 1776.
#2 After Washington read the Declaration to his troops the soldiers tore this down. What is a statue of King George.
#3 The statue was melted down and used to make what? What are bullets.
#4 When news of the declaration reached Boston what happened? What is cannons and guns were fired and people celebrated in the streets.
#5 This excerpt describes all the rights that people should have; including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What is the second excerpt.
Grab Bag
#1 The age of Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. What is 33 years old.
#2 The signers of the Declaration were committing this crime and could receive this punishment What is treason, death?
#3 Section of the Declaration of Independance which lists complaints against the king. #3-Grievances
#4 The second Continental Congress was held in this city. What is Philadelphia.
#5 Section of the Declaration of Independence explaining the rights of people and the role of government's power #2-Natural Rights
#1 A small army made up of ordinary citizens. What is a militia.
#2 The crime of disloyalty toward a ruler or government. What is treason.
#3 A short powerful book written by Thomas Paine that argued that colonists should break away from Great Britain. What is Common Sense.
#4 The important document that announced that the colonies would break away from Britain. What is the Declaration of Independence.
#5 The meeting of delegates in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775. What is the Second Continental Congress.
Famous People: Who's Who
#1 The writer of the Declaration of Independence. Who is Thomas Jefferson.
#2 The author of Common Sense. Who is Thomas Paine.
#3 The general in charge of the Continental army. Who is George Washington.
#4 The first signer of the Declaration of Independence who signed in bold letters. Who is John Hancock.
#5 The two men who asked Thomas Jefferson to write the declaration. Who are John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.
Final Question
Name the section of the Declaration of Independence in which coloniists declare their independence from Britain Resolution of Independence