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Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

To the showers
Counting straws
Final solution
For the diary she wrote during the Second World War
She was a Jewish girl.
He was born in Polland
Because they were unable to work
The physically and mentally disabled, Slavs, Romani, commnists and political opponents.
The concentration / extermination camps
A star of David
In cattle cars
Because he wants the whole world to know what happened during the Nazi holocaust.
The gas chambers
Otto Frank, her father
He was eleven years old
They were cremated
18 months
The Warsaw Guetto
How did Henry spend each day while he was hiding in the barn?
A part of a city where the Jews had to live during the Second World War.
What badge did the Jews have to wear on their clothing?
What year marked the beginning of the massacres of Jews in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union?
How old was Henry when Germany attacked Poland?
Why did young children go straight to the extermination plants?
It was the systematic extermination of millions of Jewish.
In which concentration camp did Anne Frank die?
What was done with the dead prisoners?
In wich country was Henry born?
What is Anne Frank famous for?
Where did the Jews think they were going when they were taken to the gas chambers?
The Nazi leaders planned the elimination of all Jews.
What was Anne Frank's religion?
The largest extermination camp was...
Where were the Jews taken to be killed with poison gas in the extermination camps?
How were the prisoners going to the concentration camps transported?
Why did Henry start telling his experience?
This guetto housed as many as 400 000 people, of whom only 50 000 survived.
How long was he hiding in the attic of the barn?
The first concentration camp in Nazi Germany was...
Who was the only member of Ana's family that survived?
Besides the Jews, what other groups were persecuted by the Nazis?
In which country did Ana and her family live?
They were 'factories' of torture, degradation and death for the prisoners.

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Here are all the answers:

What was Anne Frank's religion?She was a Jewish girl.
What is Anne Frank famous for?For the diary she wrote during the Second World War
In which country did Ana and her family live?Netherlands
In which concentration camp did Anne Frank die?Auschwitz-Birkenau
Who was the only member of Ana's family that survived?Otto Frank, her father
They were 'factories' of torture, degradation and death for the prisoners.The concentration / extermination camps
Where were the Jews taken to be killed with poison gas in the extermination camps?The gas chambers
This guetto housed as many as 400 000 people, of whom only 50 000 survived.The Warsaw Guetto
The first concentration camp in Nazi Germany was...Dachau
The largest extermination camp was...Auschwitz-Birkenau
In wich country was Henry born?He was born in Polland
How old was Henry when Germany attacked Poland?He was eleven years old
Why did Henry start telling his experience?Because he wants the whole world to know what happened during the Nazi holocaust.
How long was he hiding in the attic of the barn?18 months
How did Henry spend each day while he was hiding in the barn?Counting straws
Where did the Jews think they were going when they were taken to the gas chambers?To the showers
What badge did the Jews have to wear on their clothing?A star of David
How were the prisoners going to the concentration camps transported?In cattle cars
Why did young children go straight to the extermination plants?Because they were unable to work
What year marked the beginning of the massacres of Jews in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union?1941
It was the systematic extermination of millions of Jewish.Holocaust
The Nazi leaders planned the elimination of all Jews.Final solution
A part of a city where the Jews had to live during the Second World War.Ghetto
What was done with the dead prisoners?They were cremated
Besides the Jews, what other groups were persecuted by the Nazis?The physically and mentally disabled, Slavs, Romani, commnists and political opponents.