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The Giver Final Review
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

He needs to help the community deal with the memories
Jonas cools them with memories of snow
The Giver
The Ceremony of 12
A front-buttoned jacket
A hippo
The memory of sailing
Discipline wand
So he can help the Elders make decisions about new situations
To stop the stirrings
The Ceremony of Loss
A sunburn
Jonas's father
A bicycle
An injection
When the apple he was playing catch with turned red
The release of the smaller twin
Chief Elder
Who says, "I love you," to Jonas?
Why do Community members begin taking a daily pill as teens?
Why is it important for the Receiver to hold the memories?
What memory does Jonas give Gabe when he first discovers Gabe can "receive"?
Who is chosen to be the new Receiver?
What is Gabe's comfort object?
What is Jonas's first memory of pain?
Who works at the House of the Old?
Who said, "We had a visiting group of Sevens and they didn't obey the rules,"?
How do Jonas and Gabe escape the heat-seeking planes?
Who said, "Even I voted for Gabriel's release when we had the meeting,"?
Why won't the Giver go with Jonas to "Elsewhere"?
Who said, "I want my smack,"?
What do children in the community receive when they become nines?
Who was appointed Recreation Director?
What is used to chastise young children?
What ceremony was performed when Caleb died?
What is the method of release used in the community?
What was Jonas's first color experience?
Wha says, "Jonas has not been assigned. Jonas has been selected,"?
When is the time when people in The Community are assigned their jobs?
Who performed her own release?
Whose name isn't to be spoken?
What does The Giver show Jonas from the Hall of Closed Records?
What do sevens receive to promote independence?

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Here are all the answers:

Who is chosen to be the new Receiver?Jonas
Who performed her own release?Rosemary
Who works at the House of the Old?Fiona
Whose name isn't to be spoken?Rosemary
Who was appointed Recreation Director?Asher
When is the time when people in The Community are assigned their jobs?The Ceremony of 12
What do children in the community receive when they become nines?A bicycle
What was Jonas's first color experience?When the apple he was playing catch with turned red
What ceremony was performed when Caleb died?The Ceremony of Loss
What do sevens receive to promote independence?A front-buttoned jacket
Who said, "Even I voted for Gabriel's release when we had the meeting,"?Jonas's father
Who said, "We had a visiting group of Sevens and they didn't obey the rules,"?Lily
Who said, "I want my smack,"?Asher
Who says, "I love you," to Jonas?The Giver
Wha says, "Jonas has not been assigned. Jonas has been selected,"?Chief Elder
What is the method of release used in the community?An injection
Why do Community members begin taking a daily pill as teens?To stop the stirrings
What is Gabe's comfort object?A hippo
What is used to chastise young children?Discipline wand
What is Jonas's first memory of pain?A sunburn
How do Jonas and Gabe escape the heat-seeking planes?Jonas cools them with memories of snow
What does The Giver show Jonas from the Hall of Closed Records?The release of the smaller twin
Why is it important for the Receiver to hold the memories?So he can help the Elders make decisions about new situations
Why won't the Giver go with Jonas to "Elsewhere"?He needs to help the community deal with the memories
What memory does Jonas give Gabe when he first discovers Gabe can "receive"?The memory of sailing