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Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 28 times
The best time ever was Jesse G at 83 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!



5, 2, -6, -8, -15



-9.40, -9 3/11, -9 1/5, 9.22



-5.7, -5 3/5, 5.43, 5 5/11


see number line


see graph; 8 units
x-axis: (-1,-5) y-axis: (1,5)

Quadrant III

Quadrant II

-19 feet

-12, -9, -3, 0, 4




Graph the set {–3, –4, -2, 3} on a number line.

Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

–4 ____–15

Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

– 7 _____ -6

Write an integer to describe the situation:

The balloon expands two centimeters each second.

Evaluate: | –8| + |–7|
144 in = _______ ft (12 in = 1 ft)

In which quadrant is the point at (–6, -2) located?

Write -17/25 as a decimal.

Write -7/11 as a decimal.

Order –6, 5 –15, 2, and -8 from greatest to least.

Write an integer to describe the situation:

Stacey lost a twenty dollar bill.

Evaluate: | –9| – |–5|
88 fl oz = _____ c (1 c = 8 fl oz)
What is the reflection point of point B (-3,-6) across the y-axis?

Order the numbers below from least to greatest:

-9 1/5, 9.22, -9 3/11,-9.40

The locations of three fish relative to the water’s surface are
–25 feet, –31 feet, and -19 feet. Which distance has the least absolute value?

In which quadrant is the point at (–4, 2) located?
Order –9, 4 –12, 0, and -3 from least to greatest.
Reflect point C (-1,5) across the x and y axes. Write down the new reflection points.

Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

| –6| ____ |9|

6 lbs = ______ oz (16 oz = 1 lb)

What is the reflection point of point A (-4,5) across the x-axis?

Graph and label the points A (5, -3), B (–3, -3), and C (–2, –4) on a coordinate plane. Then find the distance between points A and B. The distance between points A and B is ______units.

Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

| –5| ______– 5

Order the numbers below from least to greatest:

5 5/11, -5.7, 5.43, -5 3/5

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What is your name?

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You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

6 lbs = ______ oz (16 oz = 1 lb)96
144 in = _______ ft (12 in = 1 ft)12
88 fl oz = _____ c (1 c = 8 fl oz)11

Write an integer to describe the situation:

Stacey lost a twenty dollar bill.


Write an integer to describe the situation:

The balloon expands two centimeters each second.


Graph the set {–3, –4, -2, 3} on a number line.see number line
Evaluate: | –8| + |–7|15
Evaluate: | –9| – |–5|4

The locations of three fish relative to the water’s surface are
–25 feet, –31 feet, and -19 feet. Which distance has the least absolute value?

-19 feet

Order –9, 4 –12, 0, and -3 from least to greatest.-12, -9, -3, 0, 4

Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

–4 ____–15


Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

– 7 _____ -6


Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

| –5| ______– 5


Replace each blank with <, >, or = to make a true sentence:

| –6| ____ |9|


Write -7/11 as a decimal.


Order –6, 5 –15, 2, and -8 from greatest to least.5, 2, -6, -8, -15

Order the numbers below from least to greatest:

5 5/11, -5.7, 5.43, -5 3/5

-5.7, -5 3/5, 5.43, 5 5/11

Order the numbers below from least to greatest:

-9 1/5, 9.22, -9 3/11,-9.40

-9.40, -9 3/11, -9 1/5, 9.22

Graph and label the points A (5, -3), B (–3, -3), and C (–2, –4) on a coordinate plane. Then find the distance between points A and B. The distance between points A and B is ______units.see graph; 8 units
Write -17/25 as a decimal.-0.68

In which quadrant is the point at (–6, -2) located?

Quadrant III

In which quadrant is the point at (–4, 2) located?Quadrant II

What is the reflection point of point A (-4,5) across the x-axis?


What is the reflection point of point B (-3,-6) across the y-axis?(3,-6)
Reflect point C (-1,5) across the x and y axes. Write down the new reflection points.x-axis: (-1,-5) y-axis: (1,5)