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Chapter 18 - Reform Movement
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Prison Reform Education Reform Slavery Reform Women's Rights Movement Who Am I?
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List three (3) things Dorothea Dix witnessed when she visited Prisons.

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List three (3) things Dorothea Dix witnessed when she visited Prisons.

Ms. Selig and Miss Lavell will check your answers

What was ONE reason some prisoners were unfairly placed in jail?

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What was ONE reason some prisoners were unfairly placed in jail?

They did not have enough money to pay their debts

How did Dorothea Dix spread her message for Prison Reform?

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How did Dorothea Dix spread her message for Prison Reform?

Through reports and speeches made to state legislature

Besides asylums, what other institution was created as a result of Prison Reform?

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Besides asylums, what other institution was created as a result of Prison Reform?

Justice Systems for Children

What event in the country halted all the work Dorothea Dix did for Prison Reform, leading her to have to start all over again?

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What event in the country halted all the work Dorothea Dix did for Prison Reform, leading her to have to start all over again?

The Civil War

Name one problem of public schools BEFORE Education Reform.

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Name one problem of public schools BEFORE Education Reform.

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In cities, poor children were doing this, instead of attending school.

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In cities, poor children were doing this, instead of attending school.

Stealing, destroying property, and setting fires.

Most high schools and colleges did not accept this group of students.

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Most high schools and colleges did not accept this group of students.

Women and/or African Americans

Which group was the FIRST to benefit from Education Reform?

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Which group was the FIRST to benefit from Education Reform?

White Boys

How were public schools in Massachusetts funded?

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How were public schools in Massachusetts funded?

By Taxes

Who wrote the speech "Ain't I a Woman?" and was a key leader in Slavery Reform?

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Who wrote the speech "Ain't I a Woman?" and was a key leader in Slavery Reform?

Sojourner Truth

What did Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass have in common?

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What did Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass have in common?

They were both slaves

What was Frederick Douglass' method - or way - of spreading his message of freedom for slaves?
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What was Frederick Douglass' method - or way - of spreading his message of freedom for slaves?
Through newspapers, writing and speeches

What happened to William Lloyd Garrison after he published his views in newspapers?

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What happened to William Lloyd Garrison after he published his views in newspapers?

Garrison’s printing press and house were burned by protesters

The Grimke Sisters were part of Slavery Reform and what other reform movement?
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The Grimke Sisters were part of Slavery Reform and what other reform movement?
Women's Rights Movement

WRITE one RIGHT women were fighting for during the 1800's reform movement.

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WRITE one RIGHT women were fighting for during the 1800's reform movement.

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Along with Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, name another reformer involved with the Women's Reform Movement.

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Along with Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, name another reformer involved with the Women's Reform Movement.

Susan B. Anthony or Elizabeth Blackwell

What document was the model for the Seneca Convention Declaration of Sentiments?
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What document was the model for the Seneca Convention Declaration of Sentiments?
Declaration of Independence
Why could Elizabeth Blackwell NOT get into medical school?
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Why could Elizabeth Blackwell NOT get into medical school?
Most medical schools did not accept women

What did the Seneca Falls Convention eventually lead to? (What right did Women fight for after the Convention?)

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What did the Seneca Falls Convention eventually lead to? (What right did Women fight for after the Convention?)

Campaign for women's right to vote

I taught Sunday School in Prisons and saw the horrible conditions prisoners and people with mental illness were living in. I began the fight for Prison Reform and the creation of asylums
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I taught Sunday School in Prisons and saw the horrible conditions prisoners and people with mental illness were living in. I began the fight for Prison Reform and the creation of asylums
Dorothea Dix
I am known as the “Father of Education.” You may not like me, but I made education available for more children
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I am known as the “Father of Education.” You may not like me, but I made education available for more children
Horace Mann
I wrote "The North Star" and was a former slave turned leader in the abolitionist movement.
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I wrote "The North Star" and was a former slave turned leader in the abolitionist movement.
Frederick Douglass
I wrote "The Liberator" and demanded immediate freedom for all slaves.
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I wrote "The Liberator" and demanded immediate freedom for all slaves.
William Lloyd Garrison

WE were friends who organized the movement for women’s rights

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WE were friends who organized the movement for women’s rights

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott

Which Reform Movement would you lend your efforts to in the 1800s? Give two to three specific reasons why you would support this movement.

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Which Reform Movement would you lend your efforts to in the 1800s? Give two to three specific reasons why you would support this movement.

Ms. Selig and Miss Lavell will check your answers.

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