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Grammar Jeopardy
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Whole Sentences Kinds of Sentences Verbs NOUNS Subjects- Unusual Order and Complements
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Name the COMPLETE predicate in the following sentence: 'Metropolitan areas include suburbs.'
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Name the COMPLETE predicate in the following sentence: 'Metropolitan areas include suburbs.'
What is: include suburbs
Name the COMPLETE subject in the following sentence: 'Real- estate developers need help for planning.'
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Name the COMPLETE subject in the following sentence: 'Real- estate developers need help for planning.'
What is' real estate developers
What is the simple predicate in the following sentence: 'The dog ran outside'.
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What is the simple predicate in the following sentence: 'The dog ran outside'.
What is Ran?
Name the simple subject in the following sentence: 'The blonde girl went shopping at the mall.'
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Name the simple subject in the following sentence: 'The blonde girl went shopping at the mall.'
What is Girl?
The _____________________(two words) includes the verb andall the words that complete the verb's meaning.
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The _____________________(two words) includes the verb andall the words that complete the verb's meaning.
What is: Complete Predicate
This kind of sentence makes a statement and always ends with a period?
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This kind of sentence makes a statement and always ends with a period?
What is: Declarative?
This kind of sentence shows a strong emotion or feelings and always ends with the same punctuation.
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This kind of sentence shows a strong emotion or feelings and always ends with the same punctuation.
What is Exclamatory?
Name this type of sentence: 'Are you going to the basketball game tonight?'
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Name this type of sentence: 'Are you going to the basketball game tonight?'
What is: Interrogative?
This type of sentence tells or asks someone to do something and can have two different puncutation endings.
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This type of sentence tells or asks someone to do something and can have two different puncutation endings.
What is: Imperative?
Name what kind of sentence the following is: 'Show me your photographs.'
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Name what kind of sentence the following is: 'Show me your photographs.'
What is: Imperative?
A _____________ ___________(two words) is made up of a main verb and one or more helping verbs.
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A _____________ ___________(two words) is made up of a main verb and one or more helping verbs.
What is: Verb Phrase?
This type of verb helps a main verb express an action or show time.
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This type of verb helps a main verb express an action or show time.
What is: Helping Verb
This type of verb can stand by itself as the simple predicate of a sentence.
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This type of verb can stand by itself as the simple predicate of a sentence.
What is: Main Verb
Name the verb phrase in the following sentence: 'Pollution is endangering animals and plants.'
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Name the verb phrase in the following sentence: 'Pollution is endangering animals and plants.'
What is: is endangering?
Name the helping verb in the following sentence: 'Modern industries have allowed cities and towns to flourish.'
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Name the helping verb in the following sentence: 'Modern industries have allowed cities and towns to flourish.'
What is: have?
A noun is a : _______, _______, _________
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A noun is a : _______, _______, _________
What is: a person, place, or thing
This type of noun is always capitalized.
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This type of noun is always capitalized.
What is: Proper Noun?
Name a common noun in the following sentence: 'The dog was tired.'
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Name a common noun in the following sentence: 'The dog was tired.'
What is: dog?
Singular to Plural: We add this ending to a singular noun that ends in 's, sh, ch, x, or z' to make it plural.
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Singular to Plural: We add this ending to a singular noun that ends in 's, sh, ch, x, or z' to make it plural.
What is: - es?
galaxy in its plural form (spelled out)
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galaxy in its plural form (spelled out)
What is: g a l a x i e s?
The subject in the following sentence: 'Are you walking to the Brooklyn Bridge?'
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The subject in the following sentence: 'Are you walking to the Brooklyn Bridge?'
What is: YOU?
The subject of a command, or an imperative sentence, is usually ________.
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The subject of a command, or an imperative sentence, is usually ________.
What is: YOU?
A word or group of words that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject.
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A word or group of words that follows a linking verb and renames or describes the subject.
What is: Subject Complement?
The predicate noun in the following sentence: 'Philadephia is the largest city in Pennsylvania.'
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The predicate noun in the following sentence: 'Philadephia is the largest city in Pennsylvania.'
What is: City? ( city defines Philadelphia)
The predicate adjective in the following sentence: 'Philadelphia cheesesteaks taste great.'
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The predicate adjective in the following sentence: 'Philadelphia cheesesteaks taste great.'
What is: Great? (great describes cheesesteaks')

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