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The Golden Age SPARTA! Athens Early Greece Philosophy/Mythology
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What was the name of this temple and what big rock was it built on?

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What was the name of this temple and what big rock was it built on?

The Parthenon and it rest on the Acropolis.

Name the two Persian kings who invaded Greece two seperate times circa 490 and 480 B.C.


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Name the two Persian kings who invaded Greece two seperate times circa 490 and 480 B.C.



Xerxes in 480 B.C. and Darius in 490 B.C..



Who took governing authority away from the rich aristocracy and created an Assembly?

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Who took governing authority away from the rich aristocracy and created an Assembly?

CleisthenesImage result for cleisthenes


Name Five Greek City States but do not include Sparta or Athens!

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Name Five Greek City States but do not include Sparta or Athens!

Thessaly, Ithaca, Corinth, Delphi, Megra, Thebes, Attica.

Image result for Greek City states

Who was a relative of the great democrat Cleisthenes and list four of his policies he established during his 30-year rule over Athens circa460 B.C.

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Who was a relative of the great democrat Cleisthenes and list four of his policies he established during his 30-year rule over Athens circa460 B.C.

Pericles and  he introduced: pay for officials

                                         all MEN could hold office

                                         patron of the arts

                                         built many public buildings

                                         supported writers

                                         expanded Athens power by conquering others

Image result for pericles


What did King Leonidas say to Xerxes after the Persian demanded he surrender his weapons?



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What did King Leonidas say to Xerxes after the Persian demanded he surrender his weapons?



Molon Labe! ...Come and Take Them!

Image result for King Leonidas

What was the name of the narrow pass defended by 300 Spartans in 480 B.C. against 300,000 Persian invaders?


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What was the name of the narrow pass defended by 300 Spartans in 480 B.C. against 300,000 Persian invaders?



Image result for Thermomopylea

Place Sparta on the map using the arrow magnet...closest team wins the points!

 Image result for Sparta

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Place Sparta on the map using the arrow magnet...closest team wins the points!

 Image result for Sparta

Why did Sparta develop a military economy and name it's three levels of society.

Image result for Sparta

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Why did Sparta develop a military economy and name it's three levels of society.

Image result for Sparta

Landlocked with no port...


Free Men of the ruling class

helots or slaves

neighboring free people

Image result for Sparta


Name three key parts of Spartan government.

Image result for Spartan society

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Name three key parts of Spartan government.

Image result for Spartan society

Two Kings

30-member Council

Ephors were 5 officials elected to one-year terms

Image result for spartan ephors

What part of the __________ Peninsula is Athens located on?____________!


Image result for ancient Athens

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What part of the __________ Peninsula is Athens located on?____________!


Image result for ancient Athens


Attica!Image result for ancient Athens

Who divided the Athenians based on wealth instead of birth...and making more money allowed you to rise up the social class ladder.

Image result for Solon

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Who divided the Athenians based on wealth instead of birth...and making more money allowed you to rise up the social class ladder.

Image result for Solon


Image result for Solon

What three key reforms did _________________________ initiate to bring democracy to people for the first time in any city-state?

Image result for Cleisethenes

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What three key reforms did _________________________ initiate to bring democracy to people for the first time in any city-state?

Image result for Cleisethenes



All free MEN over 18 (citizens)could vote.

Wealth did not matter in having the right to vote

A new Council was created of 500  citizens chosen by citizens


Image result for Athenian Councils

Image result for daily double!DAILY DOUBLE...CAPTAIN of Each team writes down how much they will bet from earned points. Right answer earns the points. Team that picked this panel has first try...if they miss Trebek must allow other team to try without revealing the answer until second team goes if the first misses...Good luck!

Bet and give the secret amount on a paper to Trebek!

Your question under the picture....

Image result for Alex Trebek


What did Athenians and all Greeks call themselves in Ancient Times based on the mythology that they all had a common ancestor?

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Image result for daily double!DAILY DOUBLE...CAPTAIN of Each team writes down how much they will bet from earned points. Right answer earns the points. Team that picked this panel has first try...if they miss Trebek must allow other team to try without revealing the answer until second team goes if the first misses...Good luck!

Bet and give the secret amount on a paper to Trebek!

Your question under the picture....

Image result for Alex Trebek


What did Athenians and all Greeks call themselves in Ancient Times based on the mythology that they all had a common ancestor?

Hellenes after Hellen the original Greek!


What kind of democracy did Athens have? How is it different from the USA's?


Image result for Athenian Voter

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What kind of democracy did Athens have? How is it different from the USA's?


Image result for Athenian Voter

A direct democracy where any male over 18 could join the government and make decisions and voted only for themselves in Councils.


The USA has a representative democracy...we vote for a person who represents 250,000 Americans with their vote in Congress.

Image result for Congress

What are the Cyclades and how did it's inhabitants survive from 3000 to 2000 B.C.?

Image result for Cyclades

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What are the Cyclades and how did it's inhabitants survive from 3000 to 2000 B.C.?

Image result for Cyclades

Circa 200 Islands in the Aegean Sea and people in the cited dates lived from fishing or trading.

Image result for Cyclades

What culture had it's origins on a large island called:_________________________ south-southeast of Pelopennesus?

Image result for Minoans

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What culture had it's origins on a large island called:_________________________ south-southeast of Pelopennesus?

Image result for Minoans

Minoan on Crete.Image result for Minoans

Name three important innovations, (or culturally borrowed from Sumer/Ur?), by the people who built the palace for their civilization at Knossos circa 1450 B.C.?

Image result for Knossos

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Name three important innovations, (or culturally borrowed from Sumer/Ur?), by the people who built the palace for their civilization at Knossos circa 1450 B.C.?

Image result for Knossos

Minoans "created"...


Decimal system for math

Writing with pictographs

counting systems with base 10 math

clay tablets for writing

unique non-Greek language


Image result for Knossos

Who ruled Crete after the great fire of 1450 B.C. destroyed Knossos?

Image result for ancient city fires

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Who ruled Crete after the great fire of 1450 B.C. destroyed Knossos?

Image result for ancient city fires


Image result for Myceneans

Who wrote the history of the _____________  _______ in two epics called the Iliad and the ________________. The first has Achilles as the hero and the second has a hero___________________, who is so smart he can't find his way home for ten years after winning the war by using the_______________ ___________ trick!

Image result for Odysseues

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Who wrote the history of the _____________  _______ in two epics called the Iliad and the ________________. The first has Achilles as the hero and the second has a hero___________________, who is so smart he can't find his way home for ten years after winning the war by using the_______________ ___________ trick!

Image result for Odysseues

Trojan War



Woodon Horse or Trojan Horse

Image result for Trojan WAr

Correctly Idendify the three philosophers from Athens from this acronym that correctly orders them chronologically....




Which one established ...THE ACADEMY? (Not Ms Wilfort's Academy Academy)

Image result for Mesa AcademyImage result for Principal Bob Crispin Mesa Academy

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Correctly Idendify the three philosophers from Athens from this acronym that correctly orders them chronologically....




Which one established ...THE ACADEMY? (Not Ms Wilfort's Academy Academy)

Image result for Mesa AcademyImage result for Principal Bob Crispin Mesa Academy




Plato...and he established  The Academy of AthensImage result for Academy of Athens

Name Seven Goddesses from Greek Mythology not counting Athena!

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Name Seven Goddesses from Greek Mythology not counting Athena!

Amphitrite - Greek Goddess of the sea and consort of the God Poseidon.

Aphrodite - Olympian Goddess of love and beauty. She is certainly the most popular Deity of this Greek Goddess list.

Artemis - The Greek Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth.

Asteria - Goddess of the stars and the last immortal to live with man

Atalanta - A competitive warrior Goddess, adventure and amazing runner. She was turned into a lion by Aphrodite.

Demeter. She is one of the lesser known deities in the Greek Goddess list.

Demeter - Goddess of the harvest and is most notably linked to the growing, preserving and harvesting of grain. Mother of Persephone.

Dike - She was the Greek Goddess of moral justice.

Eos - The beautiful Goddess of the dawn who brings the hope of a brand new day.

Eris - Goddess of strife, discord, contention and rivalry.

Eirenne - The Greek Goddess who symbolized peace.

Hebe - Goddess of youth. She served nectar to the Gods.

Hecate - Goddess of the wild places, childbirth and the crossroads. She is associated with magic and witchcraft.

Hemera - Primordial Goddess of daylight.

Hera - Queen of the Olympian Goddesses and Goddess of marriage

Hestia - One of the original Olympians, she gave up her throne to become Goddess of the hearth and home.

Hygieia - Goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation.

Gaia - Ancient Earth Mother Goddess.

Iris - The Greek Goddess of the rainbow and servant to the Gods

Leto - Titan Goddess and mother of Apollo and Artemis

Maia - Spring Goddess and the eldest and most beautiful of Atlas's seven daughters who made up the Pleiades.

Mnemosyne - The personification of memory in Greek mythology. She was also the mother of the Muses.

Metis - Titan Goddess of wisdom and prudence. According to Myth Zeus swallowed the pregnant Metis whole and later gave birth to his daughter Athena from his head.

Nike - The Greek Goddess of victory.

Nyx - Ancient Goddess of darkness and night time

Persephone - The Maiden Goddess and Queen of the Underworld.

Phoebe - Described as bright and golden crowned, she was said to be a moon Goddess.

Rhea - An Earth Goddess, responsible for the fertility of the soil, women and motherhood. She took over many of these roles from her mother Gaia.

Selene - This Goddess was the Titan personification of the moon itself, unlike the later moon Goddesses

Theia - Ancient Goddess of sight and the bright sky. She was mother Helios, Selene and Eos. Her name itself means Goddess.

Themis - Greek Goddess of divine justice, order and customs. She also had the gift of prophecy as she was responsible for the Oracle of Delphi before it was passed onto Apollo

Who said:"An unexamined life is not worth living?" and wound up swallowing  poisonous_____________,(as ordered by a judgement against him),to commit suicide because he was annoying the leaders of Athens? He could have walked away but said he had to follow all laws...even if they were unfair.Image result for Death of Socrates

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Who said:"An unexamined life is not worth living?" and wound up swallowing  poisonous_____________,(as ordered by a judgement against him),to commit suicide because he was annoying the leaders of Athens? He could have walked away but said he had to follow all laws...even if they were unfair.Image result for Death of Socrates



Image result for Death of Socrates

Both Aristotle and Plato believed the best life was:_________________________________________________________________.

Image result for Diogones

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Both Aristotle and Plato believed the best life was:_________________________________________________________________.

Image result for Diogones

...spent in search of knowledge and truth.

Image result for Diogones

______________________wrote tragedies in Greece's Golden Age; the writer of comedies was ______________________________.

Image result for Tragedy comedy masks

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______________________wrote tragedies in Greece's Golden Age; the writer of comedies was ______________________________.

Image result for Tragedy comedy masks

Sophocles and Aristophones

Image result for Sophocles         Image result for Aristophones

Use the Ancient Greek Alphabet to write an answer to the questions....

What symbol was on Spartan Shields?

What three letters would be in this college Fraternities



Image result for Greek Alphabet

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Use the Ancient Greek Alphabet to write an answer to the questions....

What symbol was on Spartan Shields?

What three letters would be in this college Fraternities



Image result for Greek Alphabet


Alpha Chi Ro

Beta Upsilon Chi

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