What is a pronoun?
What is a pronoun?
a word that can take tthe place of one or more nouns in a sentence
List three subject pronouns.
List three subject pronouns.
I, you, he, she it, we, they
Do you like the rain?
Do you like the rain?
Where is a subject pronoun located in a sentence?
Where is a subject pronoun located in a sentence?
Should you and I go camping sometime?
Should you and I go camping sometime?
I fix dinner.
I fix dinner.
I fix dinner.
You (pour, pours) the eggs into the pan.
You (pour, pours) the eggs into the pan.
We (help, helps) Mom make breakfast.
We (help, helps) Mom make breakfast.
Do you ___ an interesting pen pal?
Do you ___ an interesting pen pal?
They (blow up, blows up) the balloons.
They (blow up, blows up) the balloons.
blow up
Object pronouns are found where in a sentence?
Object pronouns are found where in a sentence?
in the predicate
I went to the basketball game with (us, them).
I went to the basketball game with (us, them).
(I, me) went to the mall with my grandmother.
(I, me) went to the mall with my grandmother.
Savannah and (I, me) went to play practice.
Savannah and (I, me) went to play practice.
Mom brought sandwiches to Quest and (I, me).
Mom brought sandwiches to Quest and (I, me).
What is a possessive pronoun?
What is a possessive pronoun?
a pronoun that shows ownership
She brushes its fur.
She brushes its fur.
Seth gave his snack to William.
Seth gave his snack to William.
We are ready to take the test tomorrow.
We are ready to take the test tomorrow.
I have never traveled by plane before.
I have never traveled by plane before.
There, their, and they're are what?
There, their, and they're are what?
The book is ___ on the table.
The book is ___ on the table.
____ reading the story quietly.
____ reading the story quietly.
____ mother is picking them up _____.
____ mother is picking them up _____.
Their/ there
____ sister is a talented singer.
____ sister is a talented singer.
We combine a contraction with what?
We combine a contraction with what?
an apostrophe
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What Would You Like To Risk?
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