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There are 45 boys and 50 girls in a lunch room. Write the ratio of girls to boys in simplest form.
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There are 45 boys and 50 girls in a lunch room. Write the ratio of girls to boys in simplest form.
In a certain area, there are 65 houses to 55 businesses. Write the ratio of houses to businesses as a fraction in simplest form.
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In a certain area, there are 65 houses to 55 businesses. Write the ratio of houses to businesses as a fraction in simplest form.
Mr. Roberts has 5 papayas, 10 star fruits, 15 mangos, and 5 strawberries on his fruit stand. What is the ratio of the number of star fruit to the total number of pieces of fruit
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Mr. Roberts has 5 papayas, 10 star fruits, 15 mangos, and 5 strawberries on his fruit stand. What is the ratio of the number of star fruit to the total number of pieces of fruit
Rod has 10 rosebushes, 2 of which produce yellow roses. Write the ratio of yellow rosebushes to rosebushes in simplest form.
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Rod has 10 rosebushes, 2 of which produce yellow roses. Write the ratio of yellow rosebushes to rosebushes in simplest form.
There are 17 boys and 51 girls in a class. Write the ratio of girls to boys in simplest form.
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There are 17 boys and 51 girls in a class. Write the ratio of girls to boys in simplest form.
36 pieces of candy for 6 children
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36 pieces of candy for 6 children
6 pieces of candy per child
48 logs on 6 trucks
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48 logs on 6 trucks
8 logs per truck
8 tomatoes for $2
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8 tomatoes for $2
25 cents per tomato
Wayne raked 30 bags of leaves in 3 hours. If he raked the same number of bags each hour, how many bags of leaves did he rake in one hour?
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Wayne raked 30 bags of leaves in 3 hours. If he raked the same number of bags each hour, how many bags of leaves did he rake in one hour?
10 bags per hour
It cost Mrs. Sapanaro $245 for her and 6 people to take a day-long guided tour of the Everglades. How much does the guided tour cost per person?
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It cost Mrs. Sapanaro $245 for her and 6 people to take a day-long guided tour of the Everglades. How much does the guided tour cost per person?
$35 per person
A recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of sugar for every 3 cups of water. How many tablespoons of sugar are needed for 12 cups of water?
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A recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of sugar for every 3 cups of water. How many tablespoons of sugar are needed for 12 cups of water?
4 T
For every 2 lions at the zoo, there are 7 monkeys. The zoo has 49 monkeys. How many lions does it have?
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For every 2 lions at the zoo, there are 7 monkeys. The zoo has 49 monkeys. How many lions does it have?
Tom drew a map of the school gym. He used a scale of 2 cm to 3 m. The gym was 60 m long. How long was his drawing?
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Tom drew a map of the school gym. He used a scale of 2 cm to 3 m. The gym was 60 m long. How long was his drawing?
40 cm
Six pounds of chopped meat will feed 16 people. How many pounds of chopped meat will be needed to feed 64 people?
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Six pounds of chopped meat will feed 16 people. How many pounds of chopped meat will be needed to feed 64 people?
24 pounds
Sandi usually buys 2 pens for every 1 notebook. If she bought 16 pens, how many notebooks did she buy?
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Sandi usually buys 2 pens for every 1 notebook. If she bought 16 pens, how many notebooks did she buy?
8 notebooks
The average weight of a baby at birth is 7 pounds. How many ounces is the average weight of a baby?
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The average weight of a baby at birth is 7 pounds. How many ounces is the average weight of a baby?
112 oz
The height of Niagara Falls is 183 feet. How many yards high is Niagara Falls?
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The height of Niagara Falls is 183 feet. How many yards high is Niagara Falls?
61 yards
The gasoline tank of a minivan holds 18 gallons. How many quarts can the tank hold?
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The gasoline tank of a minivan holds 18 gallons. How many quarts can the tank hold?
72 qts
COAL The United States exports over 200 billion pounds of coal. How many tons does the United States export?
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COAL The United States exports over 200 billion pounds of coal. How many tons does the United States export?
10 million
The Statue of Liberty weighs 450,000 pounds. How many tons does the statue weigh?
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The Statue of Liberty weighs 450,000 pounds. How many tons does the statue weigh?
225 Tons
If 18 birds eat 28 lbs. of birdseed, how many birds can survive on 42 lbs. of birdseed?
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If 18 birds eat 28 lbs. of birdseed, how many birds can survive on 42 lbs. of birdseed?
27 pounds
Jean bought 4 apples for every 7 oranges she bought. If Jean bought 28 oranges, how many apples did she buy?
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Jean bought 4 apples for every 7 oranges she bought. If Jean bought 28 oranges, how many apples did she buy?
16 apples
A student has to read 32 essays in a literature class. The student reads 5 essays in 40 minutes. How long will it take the student to read all 32 essays?
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A student has to read 32 essays in a literature class. The student reads 5 essays in 40 minutes. How long will it take the student to read all 32 essays?
256 min
On a map 3 inches represent 225 miles. If two cities are 7 inches apart on the map, how far are they apart in reality?
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On a map 3 inches represent 225 miles. If two cities are 7 inches apart on the map, how far are they apart in reality?
525 miles
When a tree 8 m tall casts a shadow 5 m long, how long a shadow is cast by a person 2 m tall?
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When a tree 8 m tall casts a shadow 5 m long, how long a shadow is cast by a person 2 m tall?
1.25 m
If 3 dozen eggs cost $ 2.67, how much will 5 dozen eggs cost?
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If 3 dozen eggs cost $ 2.67, how much will 5 dozen eggs cost?

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