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Horizons Parts and Properties Rocks and Weathering Land Use Conservation
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What is the difference between the O&R horizon versus the A,B,C horizon

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What is the difference between the O&R horizon versus the A,B,C horizon

O and R are not soil. A, B, and C are soil

What are the 5 horizon layers?

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What are the 5 horizon layers?

O, A, B, C, and R horizons

What will soil on Mountain look like?

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What will soil on Mountain look like?

Poorly developed, small A, soil erodes into the valley.

Humus found in the A Horizon mainly comes from what living organism?

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Humus found in the A Horizon mainly comes from what living organism?


How is the main ingredients of A, B, and C horizon formed?

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How is the main ingredients of A, B, and C horizon formed?


What are the 5 parts/main ingredients of soil?

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What are the 5 parts/main ingredients of soil?

Weathered rock, water, air, Organic matter (humus), and minerals

What are the properties of soil?

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What are the properties of soil?

Texture, Pore space, Chemistry, Fertility, and Water retention

What property of soil is not important for what grows in soil and what is built on the soil?

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What property of soil is not important for what grows in soil and what is built on the soil?


What 3 types of living organisms affect the soil? Explain one of them.

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What 3 types of living organisms affect the soil? Explain one of them.

Plants- Provide humus for the soil

Animals- loosen and mix soil to add air and water

Microorganisims- decompose dead material and add nutrients back to the soil

Which holds water the best Sand, Silt, or Clay?

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Which holds water the best Sand, Silt, or Clay?

Clay, because its smaller and able to absorb water more easily.

What are the two types of weathering? Explain each.

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What are the two types of weathering? Explain each.

Mechanical - physically changes a rock: abrasion, ice wedging, plant roots, etc.; Chemical - changes make-up of a rock: acid rain, oxidation (rust), etc.

How are Igneous rocks formed?

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How are Igneous rocks formed?

The cooling of molten rock or magma

Folding, Faulting, and other motions can lead to what types of rock?

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Folding, Faulting, and other motions can lead to what types of rock?

Sedimentary and Metamorphic

Why is weathering important to soil?

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Why is weathering important to soil?

It breaks the main ingredient (rock) to make the soil.

Which type of environment type weathers soil the fastest and which type weathers soil the slowest?

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Which type of environment type weathers soil the fastest and which type weathers soil the slowest?



What are the 3 types of land use that can harm the soil?

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What are the 3 types of land use that can harm the soil?




Why is soil a necessary resource?

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Why is soil a necessary resource?

It is non-renewable it takes hundreds to thousands of years to reform. It effects all living organisms directly and indirectly. Plants need it to grow. All other organisms need the plants to eat and breath.

Explain how fariming impacts soil.

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Explain how fariming impacts soil.

  1. The removal of plant coverage leads to soil loss by erosion. Fertilizers harm microorganisms, pollutes the soil, and pollutes water nearby. 

Explain how construction and development impacts soil.

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Explain how construction and development impacts soil.

Remove plant coverage that leads to soil loss by erosion. Increases chemical weathering and pollutes the soil.

Explain how Mining impacts soil.

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Explain how Mining impacts soil.

Remove plant coverage that leads to soil loss by erosion. Soil lost into roads, streams, lakes, oceans, killing fish and other organisms.

What technology is used to help study soil better from a distance?

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What technology is used to help study soil better from a distance?

Remote sensing

How is soil most beneficial to humans?

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How is soil most beneficial to humans?

Soil helps sustain life!

What is Crop rotation?

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What is Crop rotation?

Rotating crops on farm land to add back nutrients that were taken away by crops from previous years. 

What is a windbreak?

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What is a windbreak?

Planting rows of trees/bushes to act like a fence to keep soil on the farm land

What do WE need to do to soil to maintain good healthy soil?

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What do WE need to do to soil to maintain good healthy soil?

Monitor soil quality and take steps to conserve and protect the soil

How are soils around the world different and how are they similar?

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How are soils around the world different and how are they similar?



  1. Different climates
  2. Different landforms
  3. Different properties

1. They are composed of the same five ingredients

  1. Different sized horizons
  2. Different amounts of time
  3. Different types of rocks
  4. Different Animals and plants

2. They consist of the three soil horizons (A, B & C)

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