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Force and Motion Levels of organization Energy Theories and Laws Layers of the Atmosphere
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Which of the following is an example of a force that requires objects to touch?


a) Magnetic Force keeping paper on a refrigerator

b) Static electricity making an electric spark

c) The friction of a bike tire slowing down due to applying brakes

d) A leaf falling from a tree

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What type of force is needed to break a piñata with a bat?


A. contact B. electrical C. gravity D. magnetic

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Which statement is part of the Law of Gravity?


A.  When astronauts leave the planet Earth's gravity stops.

B.  An object with a larger mass exerts the same amount of gravitaional pull as an object with a lesser mass.

c.  All objects exert a gravitational pull on another object.

d.  Small objects do not exert any gravitational pull.

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When would the gravitational pull of an object b the greatest?


A.  When it is large and it is far away from an object.

B.  When it is large and close to an object

C.  When it is small and close to an object

D.  None of the above; gravitational pull does not change.

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What type of force acts on a student sitting in a chair and does not move?


A. unbalanced force

B. balanced force

C. electrical force

D.  non-contact force

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Atoms make up 


a.  only non-living things

b.  only living things

c.  both non-living and living things

d  energy

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Tissues are a group of _______ that perform a specific function.


a.  organs

b.  organ systems

c.  cells

d.  organisms

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Place these in order from lowest to highest level according to the levels of organization of living things.


liver organ


muscle cells


digestive system


human being


muscle tissue



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An example of an organism is..


a. a leaf


b.  roots of a plant


c.  a human


d.  a heart

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Which statement is correct?


a.  Organisnms are made up of organ systems.


b.  Organs are made up of organisms.


c.  Cells are made up of organs.


d.  Tissues are made up of organs.

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If somone is biking down hill what is the energy conversion that is taking place?




a.  from kinetic to potential

b.  from potential to kinetic

c.  from electrical to kinetic

d.  from balanced to unbalanced

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What was John's distance at 80 seconds?



a.  1.14 m/s

b. 0.875 m/s

c. 10 m/s

d. .75 m/s

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Which of the following describes the change in energy in a car when it burns gasoline?


A. Electrical potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy.

B. Chemical potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy.

C. Electrical kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy.

D. Chemical kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy.

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Which line, A or B, is faster?


a.  Neither one, they are going the same speed

b.  Line A because the slope is less steep.

c.  Line B because the slope is more steep.

d.  Line A because the slope is more steep.

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Which vehicle would have the greatest kinetic energy, if they are ALL moving at the SAME SPEED?


a. A moving van


b. A two-door car


c. a scooter


d. a skateboard

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1. Which of these is a part of the cell theory?


A. Cells in our bodies are like small rooms called cells.

B. Cells spontaneously generate, unlike other materials on Earth.

C. All living things are made of similar units of structure called cells.

D. Every living thing is made of cells, and cells are chemically very different.

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Which of the following is TRUE when comparing societal laws to scientific laws?


a. Scientific laws are valid all over the world, while societal laws differ from region to region.


b. Both scientific laws and societal laws are accepted after qualified professionals vote on them.


c. Both scientific laws and societal laws are accompanied by severe legal consequences for breaking the laws.


d. Societal laws are based on numerous experiments, while scientific laws are accepted only by the votes of well-known scientists.

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10.Which statement is a part of the Law of Gravity?


A. Earth’s gravity stops when astronauts leave the planet.

B. Objects of different mass exert the same gravitational pull.

C. Every object exerts a gravitational pull on every other object.

D. Large objects exert a gravitational pull, but small objects do not.

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Which example demonstrates that all cells come from pre-existing cells?


a. A caterpillar feeds on the leaves from an oak tree.


b.An oak tree grows from the seed material in an acorn.


c. Moisture drips from underneath an oak tree leaf in the morning.


d. Sediment from an area where oak trees were cut down builds up alongside a stream.

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Which phrase BEST describes a gravitational force?
A. a force that spins objects

B. a force that pulls objects toward each other

C. a force that can make objects both attract and repel each other

D. a force that acts only when two objects are in contact with each other

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In which layer do humans live and where weather occurs?


A. Troposphere


B. Stratosphere


C.  Mesosphere


D.  Thermosphere

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In which layer do meteors burn up in?


A.  Troposphere


B.  Stratosphere


C.  Mesosphere


D.  Thermosphere

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Which layer is the outer most layer of Atmosphere?


A. Exosphere


B.  Troposphere


C.  Stratosphere


D. Mesosphere  

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Which gas is most abundant in the atmosphere?


A. Oxygen


B. Nitrogen


C.  Carbon dioxide


D.  Water Vapor

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In which layer is the ozone layer located?


A.  Tropsophere


B.  Theromosphere


C.  Stratosphere


D.  Mesosphere



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c) The friction of a bike tire slowing down due to applying brakes

A. contact

c.  All objects exert a gravitational pull on another object.

B.  When it is large and close to an object

B. balanced force

c.  both non-living and living things

c. cells

muscle cells, muscle tissue, liver organ, digestive system, human being

c.  a human

a.  Organisms are made up of organ systems.

b.  from potential to kinetic


When we go down in elevation and loose height, we reduce potential enerby but gain kinetic.

His distance is 70 meters at 80 seconds.

B. Chemical potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy.

d.  Line A because the slope is more steep.

a. A moving van


(because it has more mass)

C. All living things are made of similar units of structure called cells.

a. Scientific laws are valid all over the world, while societal laws differ from region to region.

C. Every object exerts a gravitational pull on every other object.

b. An oak tree grows from the seed material in an acorn.

B. a force that pulls objects toward each other

A.  Troposphere

C. Mesosphere

 A.  Exosphere

B.  Nitogen makes up 78% of the gases in the air (Oxygen makes up 21 %)


Gases in Earth's Atmosphere | Center for Science Education

C. Stratosphere

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