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Instant Jeopardy Review is designed for live play with as many individuals or teams as you like! Each team will need to enter the Join Code above. Teams choose a question, then try to give the best answer.

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How can I contact my teacher?

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When should I contact my teacher?

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How do I send my teacher webmail?

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When should I return my teacher's phone call or webmail?

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Where can I find information about my courses, LiveLesson recordings, and policies and procedures.

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Where do I find what I should complete each day?

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What are the types of assignments I will have to complete?





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What if I need more time for an assignment?



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What happens if lessons are overdue?

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How do I know if my teacher makes a change to a lesson?

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How do I know when LiveLessons are?



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What if I forget or cannot attend LiveLesson?












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How should I behave in LiveLesson.






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What will we do in LiveLesson?





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Do I have to come to LiveLesson?

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What do these symbols mean?


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What does thsi symbol mean?




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What does this symbol mean?


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What does this symbol mean?



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What do these symbols mean?



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Does it matter what time I start? After all, I am at home!

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How do I know when to do each course?


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How will I learn?

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Can I just sit on the couch and do my lessons?




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Can I ask my Learning Coach for help?




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phone or webmail,  TEAM time on Friday, LiveLesson room

As soon as I have a question or need help.



cat 1 quest 2


Click the letter icon on the button with my teacher's name.  Bonus:  How do I know if I have webmail?






Teachers will contct me wtihin a day and most of the time much sooner, so I should return calls and webmails at most within a day.



Message Boards






Your home page has a list of lessons to complete and any events for the day.  This information is populated from your planner.   You can also see this informatio by clicking the "PLANNER" at the top of your page next to "HOME".





Quick checks (open book for social studies), quizzes, tests, discussion forums, portfolios.  Some classes will have sample work and practice work.


Call my teacher for the course or Ms. Spencer if I cannot reach my teacher.




If there are more than two days of overdue lessons (approximately 10), Ms. Spencer will call me.  If I continue to have overdue lessons, I will be on alarm.    If more than 5 days have passed, I may received a truancy letter.




There will be a lesson modification icon   next to the lesson in the course tree.



Teachers will send a LiveLesson schedule.  You can add these to your planner, and they will then show up on your daily events. 





I can always add a custom event to my planner by clicking the date, or I can watch the LiveLesson recording if I cannot attend.



My teacher wants me to have fun, but I should act and speak as I would in any classroom with respectful and scholarly behavior.

Teachers plan a variety of activities and try to make lessons as interactive as possible.  There may be videos, group work, discussions, etc.  Try to have your microphones plugged in.  We like to hear your voices!









Live Lessons are only required if you are not doing well in a class.  However, we like to see you, so please come as often as possible.  In addition, it will really help you to have interaction with your teacher and classmates.

Click these to check or send webmail.





Click this to access course or teacher message boards or to find information about school (field trips, uncoming events, important phone numbers, etc).








Click this to check your grades any time day or night.  Your grades will change daily as teachers grade your work, so check them frequently.







Click this to access LiveLesson.  Click the LL symbol next to each teacher's name for that teacher's LiveLesson.





These are our alarm symbols. They alert your Learning Coach about how you are doing in the class.  To emain "On Track". 


1.  Attend LiveLesson if you can, or if you cannot, then call your teacher at least once per month. 


2. Complete your daily work


3. Remind your Learning Coach to log your attendance


We are all at our best as soon as we wake up.   In addition, beginning earlier in the day will allow you to finish earlier in the day.  The rest of the day is yours!





We recommend you make a schedule.   Decide what course you want to do each hour of the day.  Be sure to schedule two small breaks and a lunch.  







Your lessons include a variety of lessons.  These are your "daily teacher," so watch the videos, answer the questions, and play the games to get the most out of the lessons.   Your LiveLessons will also include valuable in-person instruction and activities.  If you still need help, call your teacher. 



You COULD; however, we are at our best when sitting up at a desk or a table.  It is recommended that you have a work space set up with all your school materials (laptop, pencils, books, etc) away from distractions, so you can concentrate.








Your learning coach is there to supervise and facilitate your lessons.  They can help you learn something, but when you are taking a test, a quiz, or completing a portfolio, it should be your ORIGINAL work in accordance with CCA's Honor Code.   You may and are encouraged to call your teachers for help.




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