
Business Math Chapter #2 Answer Key

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Vocabulary Words
#1 The federal government requires employers to deduct this from employee wages. What is Federal Income Tax or withholding tax..
#2 This is an involuntary deduction which is 1.45% of your gross income no matter how much you make. What is medicare.
#3 This deduction is involuntary and it is 6.2% on the first $87,900 that your make in one year. What is social security tax.
#4 This is a sytem of state tax that involves different tax rates for each of several levels of income. What is graduated income tax.
#5 Another name for employee benefits. What is fringe benefits.
Chapter 2.1
#1 Social Security tax on weekly wages of $600 What is $37.20
#2 Medicare Tax on weekly wages of $1,145. What is $16.60
#3 Subtract deductions from gross pay. Net Pay
#4 Total FICA tax on a weekly wage of $755 . What is $57.78
#5 Net pay on gross pay of $950 and deductions of $120 in Federal Income Tax and FICA at 7.65%. What is $757.32
Chapter 2.2
#1 Wages plus any fringe benefits What is Total Job Benefits.
#2 My Total Job Benefits if my gross pay is $49,000 and my yearly benefits is 33% of my gross pay. What is $65,170
#3 My Net Job Benefits if my gross pay is $36,500 and my yearly benefits is 23% of my gross pay and job expenses of $3,300, What is $41,595
#4 This equals Gross Pay + Employee Benefits What is Total Job Benefits
#5 The use of a company car, paid holidays, vacation timed and free parking What is Employee Benefits or Fringe Benefits
Chapter 2.3
#1 This equals Gross Income minus Adjustments to Income Adjusted Gross Income
#2 The amount used for each exemption. $3,100
#3 The amounts allowed for a standard deductions for an individual and a married couple filing jointly What is $4,850 and $9,700
#4 My taxable income if I have an Adjusted Gross Income of $50,000 with a Standard Deduction of $4,850 with one exemption. What is $8.65
#5 use page 55 in your text to find my Tax Due if I'm single and have a taxable income of $13,601 What is $1,686
Chapter 2.4
#1 Another name for a fixed rate when figuring State or City Income taxes Flat Rate
#2 The amount of City Income Tax at a flat rate of 3.1% on $36,510 Federal Taxable Income $1,131.81
#3 What is/are medical insurance, dental, union dues, 401K or charitable contributions.
#4 Gross pay defined... What is pay before taxes and deductions.
#5 Net pay/Take home pay defined... What is pay after taxes and deductions.
Final Question
My gross pay is $450. I am single and claim 2 allowances for federal. State tax rate is 2.5% Calculate social security and medicare. I pay $10.40 for medical insurance and give $2.50 each week for the United Way. Calculate all deductions and give your final answer as a net pay. What is $353.42.