
STAAR 3rd Grade Reading Review Answer Key

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#1 What does fiction mean? Fake, not real
#2 What is a theme? Lesson or message author wants reader to remember
#3 What is a setting? Where and when the story takes place
#4 What is a summary? tells about a whole passage in a few sentences (beginning, middle, end)
#5 What is a sequence of events? putting events in the order they happened (first, second, next, last)
#1 What is nonfiction? Real, True Story
#2 What is a biography? a true story that someone writes about someone else
#3 What is an autobiography? a true story that someone writes about themelves
#4 What is main idea? what a text is mostly about
#5 What are some text features? pictures, table of contents, graphs, charts, diagrams, captions, etc.
#1 What is a stanza? group of lines that give a poem its form
#2 What is a rhyme? words that have the same ending sound (bat, hat)
#3 What is a simile? a comparison using like or as
#4 Who is the speaker? the narrator of the poem
#5 What is personification? animals/objects talk or act like people
#1 What is 1st person? someone in the story is telling the story (I, my, we, us)
#2 What is 3rd person? someone else is telling the story (they, him, her, she, you)
#3 What is the author's purpose? the reason that the author wrote the passage (persuade, inform, entertain)
#4 What is a synonym? Antonym? synonym-same, antonym-opposite
#5 What is a base word? Prefix and Suffix? b-word that a prefix or suffix is added to/p-word part added to beginning/s-word part added to end
#1 What is a narrator? person telling the story
#2 What is repetition? repeating lines or phrases in a poem
#3 What is an illustration? a picture
#4 What is an example of alliteration? more than one word begins with same sound (big babies blowing bubbles)
#5 What are some examples of types of poems? free verse-no rhyme, lyrical-feeling, narrative-story
Final Question
What are some things you can do to help yourself pass the STAAR test? Use your strategies, prove your answers, take your time, try your hardest