
World History Ch. 6 Answer Key

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#1 How did Ghana become such a powerful state? It gained control of the valuable trade routes.
#2 What was the significance of the people of Ghana learning to work with iron? Iron tools made farming easier and weapons much stronger.
#3 Towns and villages grew and the population of Ghana increased mostly because of what? Ghana's farmers and herders could produce plenty of food.
#4 What was significant about about the location of the Ghana Empire? It was located between the gold mines in the south and valuable salt resources in the north.
#5 Why was salt so valuable? People needed salt in their diets and they used it to preserve and season foods.
#1 Silent barter is what? a process in which people trade and exchange goods without direct contact.
#2 What best explains the usefulness of the practice silent barter? Silent barter ensured that trading was peaceful and that locations of mines remained secret.
#3 What was the largest city in Ghana and the main trading center? Koumbi Saleh
#4 How did Ghana's kings govern such a large empire? They delegated power to the governor's who then answered only to the king.
#5 What type of leaders was Tunka Manin? He was a kind and caring leader, often talking to his people and treating them with respect.
Trade and Business
#1 "With so many traders passing through their lands, Ghana;s rulers looked for ways to make money from them. One way they raised money was by forcing traders to pay taxes. What can you infer from this passage? They were smart businessmen who took advantage of opportunities.
#2 How did Ghana's kings use the tax and tribute money they collected? They built powerful armies so they could conquer more territories.
#3 Who were the Almoravids? Muslims who attacked Ghana and destroyed Koumbi Saleh.
#4 What happened to the fertile land that Ghana's farmers once cultivated? Herds of animals brought by the Almoravids ate all the grass, leaving the land worthless.
#5 Which of the following best illustrates a similarity between the development of the Ghana and Mali empires? Both empires lay on the Niger River where the fertile soil made food plentiful.
Power Play
#1 All of the following happended during the reign of Sundiata except what? Timbuktu became the center of the empire.
#2 Which of the following is a method Sundiata used to gain more power in Mali? He took power away from local chiefs and leaders including important religious powers.
#3 Unlike Sundiata, most of Mali's later rulers were what? Muslim
#4 Who were the mansas? Local leaders who held both political and religious roles in Malian society.
#5 According to traditional Malian beliefs, why was food so plentiful? Malian ancestors made an agreement with spirits of the land who made sure food grew.
#1 Who was Mali's greatest and most famous ruler? Mansa Musa
#2 What was the importance of Mansa Musa's hajj to Mecca? He became famous and introduced the world to the Mali Empire.
#3 Which of the following was not a way Mansa Musa spread Islam and education throughout Mali? He outlawed all religions except Islam.
#4 Which of the following shows Mansa Musa's promotion of religious tolerance? Allowing angry miners to keep their own religion.
#5 Which of the following did not contribute to the Mali Empire? Several catastrophic droughts destroyed croplands and created famine.
Final Question
Which city that was once the center of the Mali Empire became the center for the Songhai Empire? Timbuktu.