
Macbeth Review Ad Answer Key

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Important Quotes - Speaker and Meaning
#1 “Oh, treachery! /run, good Fleance,/Run, run, run! Avenge me later! Farewell!” Banquo, said to his son as he is being murdered.
#2 “Out, damned spot. Out, I say!” Lady Macbeth, said in her sleep due to her guilty feelings
#3 “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow / creeps in this petty pace from day to day.” Macbeth, said after his wife has died.
#4 “Who struck out the light?” Murderer, said because Fleance escaped in the confusion
#5 “I have done no harm. But I remember now / I am in this earthly world, where to do harm / Is often praiseworthy, to do good sometimes / Is dangerous foolishness.” Lady Macduff, said as murderers are coming to her house to kill her family
Important Quotes - Speaker and Meaning
#1 “Tooth of wolf, and dragon’s scale, / witches’ mummy, eye and nail, / parts of hungry salt-sea shark, / root of hemlock dug in the dark.” Witches, said while they are making a spell to summon the visions
#2 “[I] was taken / from [my] mother’s womb prematurely. / I was not born in the normal way.” Macduff, said to Macbeth before he kills him, explaining that he was not born of woman and can harm Macbeth
#3 “Duncan trusts me for several reasons. / I am his kinsman and his subject. / I am also his host.” Macbeth, said while trying to decide if he should kill Duncan
#4 “O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!” Macbeth, said to Lady Macbeth because he is upset Banquo's descendants will be king. Shows his dissatisfaction with life.
#5 “Some I see / Wear two crowns and carry three scepters. / Horrible sight! They all resemble Banquo. / Now I see it is true. They will all be kings.” Macbeth, said as he sees the vision of Banquo's many descendants, also referenced King James I.
Major Events and Themes
#1 What are the three titles the Witches call Macbeth by when they first meet? Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King
#2 Describe two of the ways the predictions made by the apparitions come true. Macduff kills Macbeth, the English army cuts down the wood and moves to Dunsinane, and Macduff was born by c-section
#3 What is Macbeth's greatest flaw? ambition and/or never happy with what he has
#4 Why does Macduff go to England? To help Malcolm and run from Macbeth
#5 Why is Siward so calm about the death of his son? He feels his son died the best possible way, honorably in battle.
Important Quotes - Speaker and Meaning
#1 “I’ll go to England.” Malcolm, said after his father is killed and the sons know they have to escape.
#2 “Fight on, Macduff, / And cursed be he that first cries, 'Stop, enough!’” Macbeth, when he decides to fight Macduff at the end of the play instead of surrendering
#3 “I will surprise Macduff’s castle: / I will give the edge of the sword / to his wife, his babies, and any unlucky relatives / who might happen to be there at the time.” Macbeth, said after the Visions tell him to beware Macduff and he discovers Macduff has escaped.
#4 "She always does that. It looks as if she is washing her hands." Lady Macbeth's servant, gentlewoman, said while Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking and dreaming her hands are covered in blood.
#5 “Sit, worthy friends; / My lord is often like this, / and has been since his youth. / Please stay seated. / The fit is temporary; in a moment / he will again be well Lady Macbeth, said as Macbeth is acting crazy at his dinner party because of Banquo's ghost.
Major Themes and Events/Important Quotes - Speaker and Meaning
#1 Describe Lady Macbeth's state of mind towards the end of the story. Lady Macbeth begins to go crazy and feels very guilty.
#2 “Is this a dagger which I see before me, / The handle towards my hand? / Come, let me clutch you.” Macbeth, said as he hallucinates a dagger before he kills Duncan
#3 Give three examples of when Macbeth is unable to be happy with what he already has. Answer to be determined by Ms. Connelly
#4 What are the three predictions made by the Visions the second time Macbeth visits the witches? Beware Macduff, Macbeth cannot be defeated until the woods move to his castle, and he cannot be harmed by anyone born from a woman.
#5 "Be brave as a lion, and be proud. Do not worry about your enemies." Vision, said to Macbeth before he tells him he can't be defeated until a wood moves to his castle.
Final Question
Who is Siward? The Earl of Northumberland and the Englishman who helps Malcolm regain the throne of Scotland.