
Reproductive system review Answer Key

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Female Reproductive System
#1 What is the name of the birth canal? #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!#
#2 Where does the fetus grow and develop? Uterus
#3 What do we call the cycle that prepares the body for pregnancy? Menstrual Cycle
#4 What are the organs that store the ova? Ovaries
#5 Where does fertilization occur? Fallopian Tubes
Male Reproductive System
#1 What organ delivers the sperm from the male into the female? #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!#
#2 What tube in the #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!# passes both urine and #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!#? Urethra
#3 What organs produce sperm and testosterone? Testes
#4 What gland secretes a fluid that lubricates the urethra? Cowper's gland
#5 What structure produces a sugary substance to nourish the sperm? Seminal Vessicle
#1 What disease causes genital warts? HPV
#2 What disease can cause painful blisters on the genitals? Herpes
#3 What type of pathogen causes HIV? Virus
#4 What type of pathogen causes pubic lice? Parasite
#5 What does the acronym AIDS stand for? Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
#1 Having no symptoms. Asymptomatic
#2 Not having sex. Abstinence
#3 A barrier method of birth control to protects against pregnancy and STDs most of the time. Condom
#4 Pregnancy. Gestation
#5 The removal of the #!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!##!!# in males. Circumcision
#1 How long is a normal gestation in humans? 40 weeks
#2 After the sperm leaves the testes, where does it go to mature? Epididymis
#3 Which type of twins are the most common? Fraternal

What do we call the release of the ovum from the ovary?



What do we call a fertilized egg?


Final Question
Monozygotic twins are more commonly referred to as what? Identical twins