
United States Goal 5 Jeopardy Answer Key

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Category 1

According to Nativists, what was a major cause of urban problems?


*Bonus 10: Whose presidency is associated with the Whiskey Ring?


Why did immigrants support political machines?

Political machines provided them with social services

*Bonus (10 pts) What political machine did Boss Tweed run?


How did many Americans feel towards big business in the late 1800’s?

A.Big business could not be trusted
B.Big business had consumer interest at heart
C.Big business would keep prices low for consumers
D.Big business worked to help workers become wealthy

A.Big business could not be trusted

*Bonus 10 pts: What is the goal of a monopoly?

What purpose is served when people are housed in tenements?
A.Residents are offered support, education, and other helpful services
B.The people living in the tenements get adequate housing for little money
C.Many people are put into a small space, therefore maximizing the amount of tenants
D.Tenement dwellers choose to live with people of their own ethnicity

C.Many people are put into a small space, therefore maximizing the amount of tenants

Bonus 20 pts: What reformer attempted to improve living conditions by writing "How the Other Half Lives?"


Which group believed that society was a competition in which the fittest came out on top, justifying the inequality faced by immigrants and minorities during the Gilded Age?

Social Darwinists

*Bonus Review 10 pts: What party did Andrew Jackson create?

Category 2

Which of the following reasons best explains why workers formed labor unions?

A.Enjoyed meeting and talking together
B.To increase the amount of work they were required to do
C.To improve their wages and working conditions
D.To make money from collected union dues

C.To improve their wages and working conditions

*Bonus 10 pts: What was the purpose of a "yellow dog" contract?

Which of the following was the biggest impact of immigration on industrialization?
A.Providing cheap labor
B.Creating epidemics
C.Adding to leisure time
D.Providing expensive labor

A.Providing cheap labor

*Bonus 10 pts: Give at least two spectator sports

Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act not effective in breaking up monopolies?

Was weakly worded and didn't give the government the power to break up monopolies.

Bonus 10 pts: Who ran the Standard Oil monopoly?


What was the name given to someone who gives away wealth to make society better?


Bonus 20 pts: Which monopolist was known for writing the "Gospel of Wealth" and giving away his fortune to philanthropy upon his death?


Why was Boss Tweed so upset about the political cartoons about him if most of his voters were immigrants and weren't able to read English?

His voters could not read, but they could still pick out the names in the cartoons and interpret the drawings!

Category 3
Which of the following was the Democrative political machine of New York City ran by Boss Tweed?
A.Ellis Island
C.The Five Points
D.Tammany Hall

D.Tammany Hall

Which of the following is an effect of industrialization?
A.People move out of cities
C.Decrease in crime


Bonus 20: What process allowed the mass production of steel?


Who (and what) finally brought down Boss Tweed?

Thomas Nast's Cartoons


Bonus Review (20 pts): What was someone called who was against immigration?

Which of the following terms best describes the practice of taking money meant for city projects?


Bonus (10 pts): What is Fredrick Olmstead known for designing?


What do the Whiskey Ring and Credit Mobilier Scandal have in common?

Both were corruption in politics where politicians stole money.

Category 4
What types of leisure pursuits increased with industrialization?
A.Spectator sports
B.Illegal gambling
C.Drive in movies
D.Book clubs

A.Spectator sports


What event caused the Knights of Labor to lose support?

Haymarket Riot -- a bomb was thrown killing policemen and many people saw Knights of Labor members as "bomb throwing anarchists"

Bonus 20 pts: What did the Pendleton Act do?

Which monopolists would be considered the “Robber Barons”?

Monopolists achieving wealth through illegal activities

Bonus 10 pts: As far as labor unions are concerned, who was a "scab"?

Which of the following terms would be used by a Social Darwinist to describe their belief on government involvement in business or social services?
A.Political Machines
D.Necessary Evil


Bonus 10 pts: Summarize what "laissez-faire" means.


In the late 1800's to early 1900's, what was the difference between the "old" immigrants and the "new" immigrants who began arriving in larger numbers after the Civil War?

The "old" immigrants were from Northern and Western Europe like France, Britain, Netherlands, etc.  They were normally better educated, wealthier, and Protestant.

The "new" immigrants were from Southern and Central Europe and were usually poorer, less educated, and many of them were also Catholic.

Bonus (10 pts): What were some things that settlement houses offered immigrants?

Category 5
What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?
B.Electric Light Bulb
C.Steel Plow


Which of the following created the Standard Oil Company, a monopoly for oil?
A.John Rockefeller
B.Cornelius Vanderbilt
C.J.P. Morgan
D.Andrew Carnegie

A.John Rockefeller

Which of the following is an example of cultural pluralism?
A.Guaranteeing human rights for people of every culture
B.Establishing ethnic communities like New York City’s Little China
C.Establishing one religion for different cultures to follow
D.Different cultures blending together like a “melting pot”

B.Establishing ethnic communities like New York City’s Little China

What was the main idea behind Horatio Alger’s “dime novels?”

Through hard work one can go from rags to riches

Bonus Review 20 pts: What three things did Washington warn us about in his farewell address? Must have all 3 for credit.


The first immigration law in the United States was passed against immigrants from what country?


Final Question

What put an end to the use of the "Spoils System" for winners of elections?

The assassination of James Garfield caused the passage of the Pendleton Act that required people to pass a test before getting a civil service job.