
The Nervous System Answer Key

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what is the central nervous system made up of?

the brain and the spinal cord


what comes out of the body that are finger like branches ?



a single nerve cell can have 50,000 dendrite branches


what do the axon do

conducts electrical impalses away from the nerons cell body


their are 100 billion nerve cells in bundles called?



the cell body looks like a blob with an eye called?


The four systems

what system monitors function and movement?

the voluntary nervous system


this system controls movement of the heart, the stomach, intestine, and the glands what is this system called?

the Autonomic Nervous System


what system comunicates with the rest of the systems through electrical signals?

the Central Nervous System


contains both sensory and motor nerves what is this system called?

the Peripheral Nervous System


when you are under stress what nervous system is affected?

the autonomic nervous system

the 5 sences

high in the back fo your _______ a patch of tissue grows hair like fibers what is the sense?




what does sight do?

captures light and help turn it into an image, prossessed by the brain


your eyes perceive light wave, but your ______ perceive and interprets a different type of stimulas called?


sound waves


your ______ is covered with small sensory structures called _________?


taste buds


the sense of ________ depends on tiny sensory receptors in the skin


The Brain

how many nerve cells does an average adult contain in the brain?

nearly 100 billion nerve cells


what are the 100 billion nerve cells called?



what does the brain directly control?

voluntary movement


name two voluntary behaviors

walking and thinking


name one of the involuntary responses the body also controls

name one

  • heartbeat
  • blood pressure
  • fluid balance
  • posture
spinal cord

the spinal cord is ________ long

44cm long


the spinal cord weighs ________ grams

about 34-40 grams


what is the spinal cord protected by and supported by?

the vertebal colum,

made of small bones called vertebrae


the spinal cord has  ________ layers of tube with an outer layer of nerve fibers wrpped in tissue

2 the spinal cord is douple-layered


connected to the spinal cord are how many pairs of nerves?

31 pairs of nerves

Final Question