
Lord of the Flies review Answer Key

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#1 Symbolizes democracy and rules the conch
#2 symbolizes intelligence Piggy's glasses
#3 symbolizes totalitarianism the knife
#4 symbolizes hope and rescue the signal fire
#5 symbolizes man's inner fear the 'beast
#1 He is described in the following passage: “It was an accident . . . that’s what it was. An Accident. . . . Coming in the dark—he hadn’t no business crawling like that out of the dark. He was batty. He asked for it.” Who is Simon?
#2 He says the following: 'I’m going to go to him with this conch in my hands. I’m going to hold it out. Look, I’m goin’ to say, you’re stronger than I am and you haven’t got asthma. You can see, I’m goin’ to say, and with both eyes. But I don’t ask you to be a sport, I’ll say, not because you’re strong, but because what’s right’s right. Give me my glasses, I’m going to say—you got to!' Who is Piggy?
#3 Who says: “Honest, Ralph, you’d better go. . . You got to go because it’s not safe. . . [Y]ou got to go for your own good. They hate you, Ralph. They’re going to do you.” Who is Samneric?
#4 He says: “We saw your smoke. What have you been doing? Having a war or something?” Who is the Naval Officer?
#5 He says: “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are what they are?” Who is The Lord of the Flies?
#1 The leader of the choir Who is Jack?
#2 Father was in the Navy Who is Ralph?
#3 The first 'littlun' to tell the boys about the beastie Who is the boy with the mulberry birthmark?
#4 The character who tells Simon he is going to have some fun on this island Who is The Lord of the Flies?
#5 Character who saw Jack as a little red-headed boy Who is the Naval Officer?
#1 Number of people who worked on the third hut two
#2 Killed by mistake Simon
#3 The humped figure that scares Samneric away from the signal fire the parachutist
#4 He's the most savage character on the island Roger
#5 The item desired by the savages during the raid Piggy's glasses
Literary Terms
#1 The major protagonist in Lord of the Flies Who is Ralph?
#2 The major antagonist in Lord of the Flies? Who is Jack?
#3 Definition of conflict What are struggles or problems in a story?
#4 Definition of totalitarianism What is a government in which leaders have absolute control; a dictatorship?
#5 Definition of atavism What is returning to primitive characteristics?
Final Question
One of the major themes of Lord of the Flies What is conflict between civilization and savagery?