
4th Grade Rocks and Minerals Answer Key

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#1 Minerals are the building blocks of rocks
#2 What makes rocks different from each other? They are made up of different minerals
#3 How shiny or dull a mineral is luster
#4 The way a mineral splits cleavage
#5 What are the building blocks of minerals? elements
Igneous Rocks
#1 Rock that cools above the earth's surface is called lava
#2 Rock that cools below the earth's surface is called magma
#3 When magma cools below the earth's surface an_______igeous rock is formed. intrusive
#4 When lava cools and hardens above the earth's surface, it's called an_________igneous rock. extrusive
#5 If lava cools in a few hours, what will the size of the crystals be like? small
Sedementary Rock
#1 What are sediments? tiny particles of rock, or minerals or plants or bones or shells
#2 How is new sedimentary rock formed. particles settle in layers...they are pressed and sqeezed together
#3 Limestone often contains shells, bones, plants, fossils
#4 Conglomerateis is formed from larger rocks
#5 What is the same about all sedimentary rock? made of sediment, deposited by water, turned to stone
Metamorphic Rock
#1 Metamorphic rocks are formed from other rocks by_____and________deep inside the earth heat and pressure
#2 Gneiss is formed when ________is heated under great pressure. granite
#3 Shale turns into slate
#4 Sometimes minerals get rearranged and pressed into thin layers
#5 Slate feels_________because of its small crystals. smooth
Rocks in Every Day Life
#1 Slate is a metamorphic rock that is used for tiles walkways rock walls
#2 Limestone is used to make chalk
#3 Pumice is an igneous rock used for cleaning
#4 Native Americans used obsidian to make arrows
#5 Why is the State Capitol building made from granite? strong, hard, comes in variety of colors
Final Question
The moon has inactive volcanoes but no wind or running water. What kinds of rocks might you expect to find on the moon? Igneous rocks