
Review #1 Answer Key

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Early History
#1 In the 1500s what changed the ways of life for Native Americans forever? arrival of the Europeans
#2 Agriculture allowed early people to do what? form communities
#3 In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed to America with the Nina, Pinta, and ____________ Santa Maria
#4 Who was the first Spaniard to land on the mainland of North America? Juan Ponce de Leon
#5 What did England, France, and the Netherlands hope to discover? northewest passage to Asia
Colonies - Part 1
#1 How did the Jamestown settlers save their colony? planted tobacco
#2 Because their journey had a religious purpose, what did Separatists call themselves? Pilgrims
#3 Which European group maintained the friendliest relations with the Native Americans? the French
#4 What type of farming was practiced in New England? subsistence farming
#5 How did England view its North American colonies? as an economic resource
Colonies - Part 2
#1 What is the name of the religious revival that swept through the colonies? Great Awakening
#2 Who provided labor for the Southern rice fields in the colonies? slaves
#3 What is the name of the leg of the triangular trade route in which enslaved Africans were shipped to the West Indies? the Middle Passage
#4 What act taxed almost all printed materials in the colonies? Stamp Act
#5 Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
The American Revolution
#1 Who wrote Common Sense? Thomas Paine
#2 How did colonial leaders use news about the Boston Massacre killings? Battles of Lexington and Concord
#4 Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion? Loyalists
#5 Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American independence? Patriots
Our New Government
#1 What is the name for a government in which citizens rule through elected representatives? republic
#2 What keeps any one branch of government from gaining too much power? checks and balances
#3 What was America's first constitution called? Articles of Confederation
#4 What is the most distinctive feature of the U.S. government? separation of powers
#5 With which of the following did Congress establish a federal court system? Judiciary Act of 1789
Final Question
Why did the Stamp Act cause more resistance among ordinary people in the colonies than did the Sugar Act? The Stamp Act affected almost everyone - it applied to all printed materials from newspapers to wills. The Sugar Act did not affect as many people.