
Spider Jeopardy Answer Key

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Spider Facts
#1 These organs are used by some spiders to spin silk. spinnerets
#2 Most spiders have this many eyes. 8
#3 A spider's body is made up of these two parts. abdomen and cephalothorax
#4 A spider uses these to feel and to squeeze body juices from its prey. pedipalps
#5 Spider's legs are attached to this part of it's body. cephalothorax
#1 Who said: 'First I dive at him. Next I wrap him up. Now I knock him out, so he'll be more comfortable.... flies, bugs, grasshoppers, choice beetles, moths, butterflies, tasty cockroaches, gnats, midgets, daddy long legs, centipedes, mosquitoes, crickets - anything that is careless enough to get caught in my web.' Charlotte
#2 An insect's body has this many more parts than a spider's body. 1
#3 This member of the arachnid family is not a spider, it is a harvestmen. daddy long legs
#4 The name for spider babies. spiderlings
#5 A long silk thread that trails behind a spider. dragline
#1 The names of the parts of an insect’s body. head, thorax, abdomen
#2 Mother spiders lay their eggs and enclose them in one of these, made of strong silk. egg sacs
#3 Spiders belong to this group of animals. arachnid
#4 The most beautiful, intricate webs are spun by this spider. Orb spider
#5 A spider’s leg has this many joints. 6
#1 Spiders use these to see. leg hairs
#2 A fear of spiders. arachnophobia
#3 Baby spiders travel in this way. ballooning
#4 These 2 spiders have poison strong enough to cause pain, nerve damage or even death in humans if left untreated. brown recluse and black widow
#5 Spiders use these to grasp food and inject venom into their prey. chelicerae
#1 The first spiders lived about 300 million years ago, even before dinosaurs roamed the earth. TRUE
#2 A spider chews it’s food. FALSE
#3 A spider’s skin is covered in oil so it will not stick to it’s own silk. TRUE
#4 There are about 10,000 different types of spiders in the world. FALSE
#5 All spiders spin webs FALSE
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