
Middle Ages - 6th Grade Answer Key

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Middle Ages
#1 What are two other names for the Middle Ages? Dark Ages and Medieval Times
#2 When were the Middle Ages? 476 AD - 1500s AD
#3 What name was given to the Eastern Empire after the West fell? Byzantine
#4 What division was made to the Church in 1054 AD? Catholic and Eastern or Greek Orthodox
#5 What two major disasters for the Europeans occurred during this period? Crusades losses and the Black Death
The Crusades
#1 What does the word Crusade mean? Holy War
#2 Why were the Crusades fought? Muslims and Christians fought for control of Jerusalem
#3 When were the Crusades fought? For how long? 1097. 200 years.
#4 How many main battles did the Europeans win? Who fought in it? One - the Nobles won
#5 Which Pope gave a public speech urging Europeans to fight in the Crusades? Pope Urban II
#1 What is feudalism? A system of governing where land is traded for power
#2 Give two pros and two cons of the feudal system Answers will vary
#3 What were the 5 classes in the European feudal system? King, Nobles, Knights, Peasants, Serfs
#4 What threat brought on the need for the feudal system? Western Europe feared Germanic tribe invasions
#5 Why did the feudal system end? Major population loss after Crusades
The Black Death
#1 What is another name for the Black Death? Bubonic Plague
#2 What brought the plague to Europe? Trade during and after the Crusades
#3 Where did the plague originate? Mongolia
#4 What percentage of Europe's population was lost during the plague? 1/3 to 1/2
#5 How was the plague transmitted? From fleas who feasted on the blood of rodents carrying plague
The Renaissance
#1 What does the word Renaissance mean? Rebirth
#2 Where did the Renaissance begin? Italy
#3 When did the European Renaissance occur? 1400s - 1500s AD
#4 Name King Henry VII's two surviving children Mary and Elizabeth
#5 How did the invention of the printing press affect the Catholic Church? More people could read the bible and interpret for themselves
Final Question