
5th grade respiratory system Answer Key

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#1 '>'>'> alveoli
#2 LETTER 'A' of this picture: '>'> trachea
#3 LETTER 'B' of this picture: '> bronchiole
#4 LETTER 'X' of this picture: diaphragm
#5 LETTER 'Z' of this picture: inhale
#3 The verb that means 'to breathe out' exhale
#4 When we inhale our diaphragm moves in which direction? down
#5 5th graders breathe on average about how may times per minute? 20
Gas Exchange
#1 These carry oxygen red blood cells
#2 What type of blood vessel surrounds the alveoli? capillary
#3 The exchange of gases in the lungs happen here. in the alveoli
#4 A strong attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine. affinity
#5 A gas we inhale that every cell in the body needs. oxygen
Respiratory Diseases
#1 common respiratory illness that causes a person to wheeze. asthma
#2 This is an infection of the lungs that causes your body to make extra mucus and/or pus that can get trapped in the aveloli. People with this disease often have fever, chills and a bad cough. pneumonia
#3 serious lung disease often caused by smoking that make it difficult fo the alveoli to take in oxygen. emphysema
#4 great for building strong muscles and important in the prevention of respiratory illness exercise
#5 pollen, dust and pets are common triggers of this respiratory illness allergies
#1 A system of the body besides the respiratory system that is badly damaged by smoking: circulatory system
#2 Smokers often have more respiratory illnesses then non-smokers. One of the reasons for this is because smoke destroys these tiny hairs that push dust and dirt out of the air passages.. cilia
#3 This is the sticky substance in cigarettes that coat the bronchi and make it harder for oxygen to pass to the alveoli tar
#4 a disease in which a tumor forms in the lungs; smoking often causes it lung cancer
#5 the addictive chemical in tobacco nicotine
Final Question
This gas is produced by smoking and has a much greater affinity (200 to 300 times greater) to the red blood cells then oxygen. carbon monoxide