
Ch. 15 William James Pragmatism Answer Key

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An American Original/Charles Sanders Peirce
#1 The word 'pragmatism' comes from a Greek root meaning act or consequences
#2 According to Pierce, if a word cannot be tied to any observable practical result then it is:s meaningless, of no use, etc
#3 Pierce said that all thinking and meaning depend on usefulness, the situation, or how it is being used
#4 Pierce argued that the only difference between the meaning of words are How they test out in experience
#5 William James added ________________ to Pierces pragmatic theory A moral dimension
Pragmatism I
#1 How many temperamental types did William James classify people into Two
#2 What are 'True' ideas according to William James Those that we can validate and verify or prove out through experience
#3 To live at 'home' in the universe, William James believed on must: believe or follow what suits them
#4 James sometimes referred to the practical payoff of claims as their _______________________ Cash VAlue
#5 Name the temperamental types that James classified people into Tender-Minded and Tough Minded
Pragmatism II
#1 What temperamental type would a rationalist fall into according to james? Tough Minded
#2 What temperamental type would a skeptic fall into according to James? Tender Minded
#3 According to james what does reason serve It serves the Will
#4 According to James ____________ happens to an idea Truth
#5 According to James we accept ideas as true only after we test them against our past experiences
Pragmatism III
#1 Pragmatic Truth is _______ Truth Human
#2 ___________ is the belief that everything that happens must happen exactly the way it does Determinism
#3 William James thought that determinism is incompatible with our spiritual sense of ___________________ Freedom
#4 To William James the belief in ______________ best serves our need for 'moral rationality' Free Will
#5 William James argued that the feeling of __________ supports belief in free will the feeling of regret
Pragmatic Religion/Truth Is Always Personal
#1 James moted that in all cultures people turn to a god (or gods) who do what? Get things done, provides results
#2 James used the term '________' to refer to people who see all things as good healthy-minded
#3 James used the term '______' to refer to people who see life as essentially evil morbid-minded
#4 According to James the essence of good is to_____________ satisfy demand
#5 A ________ is a belief that affects belief in such a way that it causes itself to come true Self-fulfilling prophecy
Final Question
Explain what James meant when he claimed that a religious orientation is more effective than a nonreligious one. James believed a religious orientation is more effective than a non-religious one because it encompasses more. Profound religious (rebirth) experience makes it possible to be morally decent and happy.